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Service has stopped, but nothing logged to the Server Event Log?

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Jay Bollyn
Honored Contributor

Service has stopped, but nothing logged to the Server Event Log?

Service has stopped, but nothing logged to the Server System Event Log?

How often does this happen? I know that a service, serving a new app we are running, has stopped twice in the last couple weeks. But I can't find anything in the server System Event Log.

So I guess a service can stop for some unknown reason, and nothing is logged. Does this kind of thing happen all the time?

Confused, J.
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Igor Karasik
Honored Contributor

Re: Service has stopped, but nothing logged to the Server Event Log?

I cannot really help, but I saw such behaviour for some services (not Microsoft services, but for services writed by our R&D team) - service stopped without any message in event viewer. Our programmers spend many time to debug this issue, but didn't solve it completely.
We just define "Restart the service" in recovery tab for these services...
Jay Bollyn
Honored Contributor

Re: Service has stopped, but nothing logged to the Server Event Log?

Thanks I,

This is a service for an app which is definitely not mainstream. It is specialized software for a language learning lab. So I am sure they did not even try to conform to MS standards. I had not thought of this quite the way you have suggested. I agree, this is probably a problem with the way he service is coded, not a problem with the win2k3 OS.

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Jay Bollyn
Honored Contributor

Re: Service has stopped, but nothing logged to the Server Event Log?

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