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如標題,想請教若要以mailx send mail,要如何更改寄件人alias 名稱呢?mailx 寄件人名稱是用/etc/passwd下full name 吧
1則回覆 1


Hi Henry,

Please changed the alias of the full name in /etc/passwd via the command "chfn"!

From the updated on


The GECOS field is a field in the /etc/passwd file that usually contains the user's full name. You can modify this information by using the chfn routine. If sendmail does not find an exact match for the user name, the Match-GECOS option tries to match the user name against names in the /etc/passwd file.

For example, if user Jane Q. Public's user name is jpq, she will receive mail sent to jane if she is the only Jane in the /etc/passwd file. Likewise, if John Doe's username is jd, he will receive mail sent to doe if he is the only Doe in the /etc/passwd file.

The sendmail Version 8 command and previous versions of sendmail differ in how they process GECOS information. If the GECOS option is enabled, sendmail Version 8 is very stringent; it requires a

match on the entire name. For instance, if the GECOS field for user jd is "John Doe", then sendmail Version 8 will only work for mail sent to john doe. An older version of sendmail may work with john doe, john, or doe assuming that this is the only john (or the only doe) in the file. The default group ID to use when calling mailers. The SMTP help file. Specifies the maximum hop count.


Best regards,
