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Re: EVA6100 Upgrade for SAS

Trusted Contributor

EVA6100 Upgrade for SAS

We purchased two EVA6100s about three years ago from HP and went with a 2C4D configuration with 3.5" FC and FATA drives. We want to expand these to the maximum 2C8D configuration, but now that HP is moving to SAS, is there a way to upgrade the existing EVAs to support SAS enclosures/disks? Thank you.
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: EVA6100 Upgrade for SAS

Everywhere on the internet are meanwhile the rumors about the new P6000 arrays, but IMHO the only way to go with SAS is a trade in of the old array and get a new one.
Ask HP!

Hope this helps!

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Trusted Contributor

Re: EVA6100 Upgrade for SAS


Thanks for the response. Yes, I had heard about the new array and while your suggestion of acquiring new arrays makes sense, I don't know how the business would react after having shelled nearly $.5M less than three years ago for the storage infrastructure. Thank you again.

Honored Contributor

Re: EVA6100 Upgrade for SAS


Yes, The EVA6100 can't be upgraded to new P6000. You can touch with Sales for any buy back program offers so that you can replace with new arrays.

But it requires additional efforts like data migration from old array to new array if coconsidering replacement
Trusted Contributor

Re: EVA6100 Upgrade for SAS


I'll do some cost comparisons between trade-in/replacement of the EVA6100s and the planned expansion of the existing arrays; maybe there's some room for discussion there. Thank you and Namaste!
