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Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

Super Advisor

NEW VPN solution without VPN clients


I found in the internet the new vpn solution
without any client software:

could I also use it to transfer (UPLOAD) files
from client sites ?

which disadvantages will has this solution ?

Ganesh Babu
Honored Contributor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

U r talking about transferring files to your machines or servers in your corporate network once u connect using VPN??

if so, yes u should be able to..

Super Advisor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

sorry I don't understand exact your answer.
I mean, transfer files
from client computer via VPN to the server.

Ganesh Babu
Honored Contributor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

Hi Chris,
Once u r connected to your corporate network thru VPN, u will have access to the servers. So u should be able to transfer the files..

Super Advisor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients


for me is the file transfer very important and I have to be 100% sure,
before I order the VPN gateway
for about 9000.- EURO

Super Advisor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

use someone already and has any experience
with this VPN solution ?
Honored Contributor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients


Regardless VPN connection. I would use any FTP Client software to transfere files once connected!

hope this help!
"Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching"/ My first point was given by SEP on January 31, 2003
Honored Contributor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

Hi Chris,
using ftp may be a little dangerous for your corporate server.
VPN grant more security than ftp.

Antonio Maria Vigliotti
Super Advisor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

I find ftp very dangerously also, to use productively.

Honored Contributor

Re: NEW VPN solution without VPN clients

I'm a little confused here my friend but if you dial directly to the Corp. then I wouldn't worry about that.
Only if you access your corp. through the internet using the VPN client then, you need to take pre-caution.
You must install and enable a firewall anyway!!! Zone Alarm is a good choice

take care
"Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching"/ My first point was given by SEP on January 31, 2003