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Re: Error in fbackup

Jitendra Mhalgi
Occasional Contributor

Error in fbackup

Getting following error while performing backup using fbackup,

fbackup(1004): session begins on Wed Jun 7 17:51:56 2006
fbackup(3203): volume 1 has been used 1 time(s)
fbackup(3024): writing volume 1 to the output file /dev/rmt/0m
fbackup(9999): I/O error
fbackup(3117): write error on a record in the index
fbackup(3025): write error at the beginning of the volume
fbackup(3310): enter '^[yY]' when volume 1 is ready on /dev/rmt/0m,
or '^[nN]' to discontinue:


Tried using new blank tape but the problem still persists.

Request to help.

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: Error in fbackup

Clean the drive?


Mridul Shrivastava
Honored Contributor

Re: Error in fbackup

Have you tried tar command on this, if yes then if it is successfull could please answer following questions:

If this has never worked, then:
- Check support status of actual *product*
- Make sure that the system is up-to-date on I/O, SCSI driver, tape driver and
fbackup/frecover patches.

If this has worked before, then:
- Most likely a hardware error in the drive, i.e. let the drive be
checked/fixed/replaced by hardware people.
Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial
Jitendra Mhalgi
Occasional Contributor

Re: Error in fbackup

Already tried by cleaning the drive but no use.

Tried TAR (tar -cvf /dev/rmt/0m /etc/PATH) but for a new tape output is,
Tar: end of tape
Tar: to continue, enter device/file name when ready or null string to quit.

I think there is some problem with the tape device.
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Error in fbackup

I'm pretty sure you will find some I/O error entries in the syslog. This indicates usually a bad drive. Consider to replace it.
You can test the device with LTT http://h18006.www1.hp.com/products/storageworks/ltt/index.html

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Jitendra Mhalgi
Occasional Contributor

Re: Error in fbackup

Yes, the tape drive (hardware) had become faulty & HP people replaced it.

Thank you everybody for the help & immediate response.
James Calfas
Occasional Advisor

Re: Error in fbackup

Maybe this is too obvious to even mention, but I have seen tape problems go away when I power-cycled the computer and tape drive.