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Re: Fsm.h in HP-UX 11.23 aCC ?

AIN support Group
New Member

Fsm.h in HP-UX 11.23 aCC ?

Is there Fsm.h for 11.23 aCC ?
our 11.11 did provide Fsm.h under
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Fsm.h in HP-UX 11.23 aCC ?


Looking here:


...in particular following "example" link on the left side of the page will take you to:


Does that help?


AIN support Group
New Member

Re: Fsm.h in HP-UX 11.23 aCC ?

Actually,I need to port my code from 11.11 to
11.23, without FSM in aCC, I need to rewite my coding, did HP provid FSM in 11.23 ?
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Fsm.h in HP-UX 11.23 aCC ?

When aC++ was released in 1996, we told the users they should no longer use USL's Standard Components and replace them by the Standard C++ library. These also weren't made available for +DD64 nor -AA.

On Integrity, these were removed.

I'm not sure if JRF's links allow you to generate FSMs?

The last owner of USL's SC was SCO.