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Re: HP-UX Support Center via FTP

Steven Arlow
New Member

HP-UX Support Center via FTP

I notice that the FTP site for patches, demos, etc. now requires the use of my
HP-ESC userid and passwd. Since the userid is cryptic and assigned by the Web
server, I of course have to obtain a new one every time I visit. Having done
so, I find that the ftp server reports "Can't chroot() to

HP's own tech support people used to tell me to use the FTP site instead of the
Web site, because the latter was "terrible" and "a nightmare" (their words, not
mine). Now the situation is even worse.

Someday the person who crafted this Web site (which I notice is suspiciously
lacking any kind of "send us feedback" link) will die and go to Hell. There
they will be greeted by the Devil, who will make them spend the rest of
eternity downloading patches and other software from the HP-ESC Web site. And
I must advise you that the bandwidth to Hell is quite limited, and usually
averages less than 300 baud.
Tim Webster_1
Occasional Advisor

Re: HP-UX Support Center via FTP

Hi Steven,

Try the following ftp site. It has always worked well for me and allows an
anonymous ftp login to obtain patches:

CD into /hp-ux_patches to get to the various directores for s700, s800, etc.
Hope that helps.

- Tim
Dan Hull
Regular Advisor

Re: HP-UX Support Center via FTP

If you would like an anonymously available FTP site for patches, this one is
still available.
Steven Arlow
New Member

Re: HP-UX Support Center via FTP

Thanks for the info!