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Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux


mounting pen drive in hp-ux

how to mount a pen drive in hp-ux

device file for pendrive is /dev/dsk/c2t0d0

#mount /dev/dsk/c2t0d0 /pen

error : unrecognized file system

filesystem for pen drive is fat32
Davis Paul
Valued Contributor

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

Hi Guna Mukesh,
You cannot mount your pen drive in HP Unix.

Davis Paul.
Honored Contributor

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

Can't be done - the only USB devices that work with HP-UX are keyboards and mice.

Mark Syder (like the drink but spelt different)
The triumph of evil requires only that good men do nothing
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

You don't mention which OS version you have.

>Mark: the only USB devices that work with HP-UX are keyboards and mice.

I believe 11.31 supports DVD drives.

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

You have 2 issues here:

i) Support for USB pen drives
ii) Support for the FAT32 filesystem

Support for USB pen drives is 'coming', and in fact may actually work for some drives with 11iv3, but even then don't expect it to be any old pen drive as most of the pen drive vendors are unlikely to qualify their drives with HP-UX (not exactly a big markrt for them). I'd expect HP to qualify some of their own drives (like the HP Drivekey II), but that might be it - others might work, but its pot luck..

Of course whether the drive works is kind of irrelevant if you don't support the filesystem on the drive. I'd love to be proved wrong, but AFAIK HP-UX doesn't and won't support the FAT32 filesystem. You could of course put your own filesystem onto the pen drive if you can recognise it, but then you wouldn't be able to use it on Windows



I am an HPE Employee
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Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

"device file for pendrive is /dev/dsk/c2t0d0"

Can you post an "ioscan -fn"?

Both 11.23 and 11.31 are supporting USB DVD drives and of course mice and keyboard.

There are tools in hp-ux that can read and write to FAT32 file systems, but they are supposed for another purpose (e.g. efi_cp).

Better to connect the drive to a pc and transfer the data from there.

Hope this helps!

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Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

> Support for USB pen drives is 'coming',
> [...]

> [...] AFAIK HP-UX doesn't and won't support
> the FAT32 filesystem [...]

On (clunky, old) VMS, where USB storage
devices have been supported and/or working
for a while, I use mtools to deal with the
FAT stuff:


I haven't tried it on HP-UX, but if it can be
made to work on VMS, what could go wrong on a
real UNIX OS? (I did need to add some code
to deal with my digital camera, but normal
flash storage gizmos don't seem to cause any
serious problems.)
Honored Contributor

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

>>Mark: the only USB devices that work with HP-UX are keyboards and mice.

>I believe 11.31 supports DVD drives.


I stand corrected.

The triumph of evil requires only that good men do nothing
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: mounting pen drive in hp-ux

At least since the new Integrities have internal USB DVD drives, supported versions of hp-ux supporting these drives.

This is a rx6600 running 11.23:

ext_bus 0 0/0/2/1.0.16 UsbScsiAdaptor CLAIMED INTERFACE USB SCSI
Stack Adaptor
target 0 0/0/2/ tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
disk 0 0/0/2/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE TEAC
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0

Hope this helps!

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those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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