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Re: Remsh comes up with "remshd: Login incorrect."

Shahnaz Sadaghiani
Occasional Contributor

Remsh comes up with "remshd: Login incorrect."

I am trying to remsh from my production box to a DR box
using the following command on production box:

cd /tmp/temp
tar cvf - . | remsh 172.17.1.XXX '(cd /tmp/temp; tar -xvf -)'

FACTS: 172.17.1.XXX is my DR server

172.17.1.XXX server was recently upgraded from 11.0 to 11.11 so it lost all settings (remsh was working fine before from Production box.

I am very new to this. If someone can point me in correct direction. On DR box I created a file under / called rhosts and put in IP address of the production box. I also tried with the name of the production box . Example

ANy help will be greatly appreciated.


Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: Remsh comes up with "remshd: Login incorrect."

Since you're doing this as root, you'll need to have a .rhosts file in root's home directory on the target machine. The entry in this .rhosts file will need to identify the souce machine.


Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: Remsh comes up with "remshd: Login incorrect."

Now that I've finished reading your question . . . .
Make sure that the .rhosts file is in root's home directory, which is not necessarily /.


Shahnaz Sadaghiani
Occasional Contributor

Re: Remsh comes up with "remshd: Login incorrect."

Great. It worked.

The hoem dir was /homeroot. Once I transferred the .rhosts file there it worked like a charm

Thanks a lot
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: Remsh comes up with "remshd: Login incorrect."

Good - glad to hear it.

