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Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

Occasional Contributor

Route add problem in hpux 11.23

We have a problem on a vpar on the SD with our default gateway. When we add the gateway via SAM we get a core dump with the following message;

UNEXPECTED EXIT: process LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/sam/lbin/samx -C -n -p 2248 -s route /usr/sam/lib//route.ui exited with a non-zero exit status.

sh: 2301 Memory fault(coredump)

When we try to add it manually to /etc/rc.config.d/netconf it works until the machine is rebooted. After the reboot we lose the route even though we added it to the netconf file and we also notice that the netconf file timestamp co-insides with the system reboot and hence we have the netconf file the same as it was before we added the route.

We have also tried to add the route using /sbin/set_parms addl_netwrk but again the same problem, after the reboot we lose the route.

Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23


You need the latest SAM patch.

This has nothing to do with networking.

Probably that is.

If possible can you look for inconsistencies in your /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

Using SAM to do this kind of work often leads to this kind of results. Sometimes in the past SAM has tried to set up two default gateways which is clearly impossible and interferes with the system networking.

I suggest this.

Take a copy of netconf put it in /tmp
cp /etc/rc.config.d/netconf /tmp netconf.afterboot

diff the two files.

Also you can not keep a backup of netconf in /etc/rc.config.d/ This causes both files to be read and can cause these symptoms.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Asif Sharif
Honored Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

Hi Sanju,

First make sure that you remove any renamed files from /etc/rc.config.d/ e.g. netconf.old...etc

After modify /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file you run the following command to make sure it will work properly after next reboot.
#/sbin/init.d/net start



Asif Sharif
Asif Sharif
Occasional Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

thanks for the help..

But there is no backup files in /etc/rc.config.d
for the netconf file.

Still we are losing the new inserted lines from the netconf file once the system is restarted.

If we restart the network using /sbin/init.d/net start the file is not getting altered..

Any other possibilities???
Respected Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

Check that somebody has not put a script into the /sbin/rc?.d directories which replaces that file have look in /etc/rc.log to see if that gives you a clue

Help is out there always!!!!!
Respected Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

Check that somebody has not put a script into the /sbin/rc?.d directories which replaces that file have look in /etc/rc.log to see if that gives you a clue

Help is out there always!!!!!
Tim Nelson
Honored Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

post a copy of your netconf file there is probably an error in it that is causing your issue.

As far as SAM is concerned, reason number 54,234 not to use SAM :)

kevin rosen
New Member

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

I am having the same problem.
On boot up I lose my static routes and it defaults to an older version - original one from the installation.

I only have the one netconf file in the rc.config.d dir.

I searched for anything that might be scripted to do this in all the appropriate dirs.

I am running 11.23 8640 on an NPAR.

When I add my routes back in and I do a /sbin/init.d/net start my routes take effect.

On reboot they are gone.

This only effects the routes - all other IP configs stay intact - including virtual IP's that have been set up
Any suggestions???
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

I'm having same problem.
I did an Update-UX a couple of days ago.

I applied the latest 11.23 RECOMMENDED SAM patches:

. PHCO_36563 cumulative SAM patch
. PHCO_32146 libpam cumulative patch
. PHCO_36239 ugm cumulative patch

with no joy.

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." - Chaucer
Tim Nelson
Honored Contributor

Re: Route add problem in hpux 11.23

Any possibility that this server(s) are on a DMZ behind a FW ? or router that does not respond to pings ?

There is a gateway destination probe setting in ndd that will turn off your routes if the gateway does not respond.

ndd -get /dev/ip ip_ire_gw_probe

turn it off with ndd -set and try again.