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Re: Telnet - serious issue

Super Advisor

Telnet - serious issue

I have tried the standard troubleshooting. this is what i see as error

. No listener...
% Connection refused by remote host
when i telenet to this machine. what could be the issue?


Court Campbell
Honored Contributor

Re: Telnet - serious issue

Can you logon to the host you are trying to reach via console? Then you could check whether telnet is even configured on the host.
"The difference between me and you? I will read the man page." and "Respect the hat." and "You could just do a search on ITRC, you don't need to start a thread on a topic that's been answered 100 times already." Oh, and "What. no points???"
A. Clay Stephenson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Telnet - serious issue

Exactly as it says. There is no telnetd daemon being spawned on the remote end. Examine /etc/inetd.conf on the remote host. There should be a "telnet" entry and I'll bet that yours is commented out. You will need to uncomment that line and issue an "inetd -c" command to trigger a reread of inetd.conf. (NOTE: The above instructions assume that the remote box is an HP-UX box; if not, the instructions are silmialr but vary a bit depending upon the OS version.)
If it ain't broke, I can fix that.
rick jones
Honored Contributor

Re: Telnet - serious issue

In addition to there being a telnet entry in the inetd.conf file, there needs to be a telnet entry in the /etc/services file and/or whatever /etc/nsswitch.conf says will be used for services. Further, there should be a TCP endpoint in the listen state in the output of netstat -an | grep LISTEN (telnet is port 23, the 'n' in -an will disable converting the number to a name)

If all those things are true, there could be a firewall either on the system itself (ipfilter) or between the clients and this server which is rejecting connection requests to the telnet port.
there is no rest for the wicked yet the virtuous have no pillows
Tim Hempstead
Frequent Advisor

Re: Telnet - serious issue

Note that if telnet is commented in inetd.conf then I would not just uncommment it and inetd -c without checking that it isn't commented for a specific reason, (e.g. security audit requirements).

It may be that telnet has been purposely disabled to force SSH usage.

Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Telnet - serious issue

Shalom Brian,

Miracle today: Meaningful Unix error message.

Check inetd.conf
Make sure telnetd is not commented and can run.

inetd -c

Alternate suggestion: Start using secure shell. http://software.hp.com Search for secure shell.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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