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Re: TripWire Config Woes!

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TripWire Config Woes!


ixTripwire A.08.00- Security and Data integrity tool

Here's what I've done so far:

1.) Used the provided twcfg.txt and twpol.txt. Only changes were to HOSTNAME in twcfg.txt and and 'emailto = "mymail@domain.com"' entry in twpol.txt to the "Critical configuratiomn files" rule.

2.) Ran "/opt/iexpress/tripwire/sbin/twinstall.sh" but errors out with:

Signing policy file...
### Error: Severity value outside of allowable limits.
### 100emailto: Line number 777
### Exiting...
The policy file was not altered.
Error: signing of policy file failed.

Step 4. should have been:

tripwire --init

Step 5. should have been:

tripwire --check

.... etc...

Any clue as to the issue with twinstall.sh and the emailto line?

Hakuna Matata.
Honored Contributor

Re: TripWire Config Woes!

Ok, my bad.. I was missing a comma in the prceding line where I inserted my emailto line.

rulename = "Critical Files"
severity = $(SIG_HI),
emailto = "joker@mydom.com"

Hakuna Matata.
Honored Contributor

Re: TripWire Config Woes!

Hi Nelson,

Some examples of valid syntax for twcfg.txt and twpol.txt are here:

Honored Contributor

Re: TripWire Config Woes!

Step 3 Now has this:

[ /opt/iexpress/tripwire/etc ]
root@testsrv # tripwire --init
### Error: File could not be opened.
### Filename: /opt/iexpress/tripwire/etc/skoda-local.key
### No such file or directory
### Exiting...

Any clues? Are my steps above correct?
Hakuna Matata.
Tony Berry
Valued Contributor

Re: TripWire Config Woes!

> ### Error: File could not be opened.
> ### Filename:
> /opt/iexpress/tripwire/etc/skoda-local.key
> ### No such file or directory
> ### Exiting...

That error is usually a bug (as far as I can tell) in Tripwire. There is probably a file in ./etc named local.key and that is the file it is looking for. Apparently the ${HOSTNAME} variable isn't getting used correctly in the twcfg.txt file or something. The easiest way to correct it is to create a link (ln -s local.key skoda-local.key) or change your twcfg.txt to just use local.key (which is what I did). I didn't really see the need to distinguish between hostnames on a single system.
Unix is boss.
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: TripWire Config Woes!

Shalom Nelson,

I thought there was as step:

tripwire --initdb

Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Tony Berry
Valued Contributor

Re: TripWire Config Woes!

As an addendum to my earlier post:

I did some more research into the local keyfile naming "bug". It turns out that the twinstall.sh script is the culprit. It redefines (thereby overriding) the twcfg.txt setting for the path and filename. Therefore, any changes to make to the local keyfile name/path need to (also) be done on line 42 of the twinstall.sh script.
Unix is boss.