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Re: Xwindows Problem

Sandip Samanta_3
Occasional Advisor

Xwindows Problem


I am facing one Xwindows connection problem.. When I tried to connect my client HP-UX workstation (9000/780/C180) from our local Desktop thru Xwindow then it is showing can't open display my PC IP. Situation is as below.

My client machine is under a firewall in different country .

I can make telnet & ftp . When I am telnetting from my server then it is connecting & when I am giving who -u command then also it is showing my PC's external IP address.

After that I exported DISPLAY variable like export DISPLAY=mypcipaddress:0.0 & then I tried to run any xterm then it is showing Can't open display : MyPCipAddress:0.0
Bus Error.
I tried to run Xhost but it is also showing the same error.

I have arranged to given access of port 6000 & 7100 in their firewall for running X application. But still that problem persist.

What should I do ? Pls help me in this regard.

Thanks & regard

Sandip Samanta
Alex Glennie
Honored Contributor

Re: Xwindows Problem

A few things to try :

port 7100 I presume is for a font server .... ps -ef grep xfs will show which port its using (default is often 7000 0r 7100)

Open up port 177, I'm pretty sure X uses this too ! Try a man Xserver grep 177 ?

Any useful errors in the Xservers log file /var/dt/Xerrors ?

Sandip Samanta_3
Occasional Advisor

Re: Xwindows Problem

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your answer. No I did not get any error in Xerrors file. xfs is also running in 7100 port .Ok I would tell my client to open port 177 also. Let see what happen. Actually main scenario is our client machine is in different country under their firewall. I have kept my PC outside of our firewall. Just tell me one thing is it essestial that client workstation should make ping to my PC ? I don't think so. Becs I don't have ping permission.
Alex Glennie
Honored Contributor

Re: Xwindows Problem

If ping doesn't work I'd be surprised if X will ... it does after all require Network connectivity .
Kenneth Platz
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Xwindows Problem


You should try telnetting from the HP-UX system to the port 6000 of your PC. If you can establish this connection, then you should reasonably be able to run X traffic over that connection. In other words:

$ telnet 6000
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

If you can establish this connection, that is sufficient. However, you will not be able to send/receive anything over it, because the connection is expecting to receive X protocol over this connection.

Also, are you certain the font server is running on port 7100? The HP-UX default font server port is 7000. You can easily verify this with the following:

# ps -ef | grep xfs
root 1315 1 0 Apr 6 ? 0:59 /usr/bin/X11/xfs -config /etc/X11/fs/config -port 7000 -daemon -quiet_if_addr_in_use

Another option you may wish to consider is to use the secure shell (SSH) -- if you have an HP-UX system on your side of the firewall that you can login to, set your DISPLAY variable back to your PC, then you can make an SSH connection to the system on the other side of the firewall. SSH will then encapsulate any X windows connection within its data stream. You can find openssh at:


One other item that concerns me is the fact that you are receiving bus errors -- the only two times I have heard of this happening were on completely unpatched 10.20 systems and on systems with corrupt Xlib/Motif patches. You may want to try to get a current revision of the Motif patches installed on that system.

I hope this helps.

I think, therefore I am... I think!
Sandip Samanta_3
Occasional Advisor

Re: Xwindows Problem

Hi Keneeth,

I have tested by making telnet clinetip 6000. It is perfectly working. But when I am trying to connect thru Exceed (Xwindow software) then it is not being connected. I am being able to connect all local server. Then I used CRT software for making telnet & configure DISPLAY variable & test by running xterm...