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Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

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Shell script question using sed or awk

How do i convert individual characters to upper case and also remove redundant characters at the same time. My data is the following


How do i convert it to:

John Doe
Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

Try this:

echo john.doe |tr [:lower:] [:upper:] |tr . " "
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Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

I think that will convert everything to upper case whereas I need specific characters converted. I need the first character and the character after the full stop.
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk


# echo "john doe"|perl -ne '@a=split;foreach (@a) {push @b,ucfirst};print "@b\n"'



Unix or Linux?
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Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

Great thank you, it worked. Is there any way that this can be done with awk or sed?
Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

Try with this:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# convert upper case letters to lower case
# look at each character
for(i=1;i<=length($0);i++) {
# get the character to be checked
# is it the first letter?
if (( i == 1 ) || ( separator == 1 )) {
# print (char);
out = out substr(UC,j,1);
separator = 0;
else if (char == SEPARATOR_CHAR ) {
char=" ";
out = out char
} else {
out = out char;

printf("%s\n", out);
Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

Hi (again):

With 'awk' the problem becomes more tedious since you would have to isolate the first character of each "word" (say with 'substr'); convert it to uppercase with 'toupper'; and then convert the remaining characters of that word to lowercase with 'tolower'. Perl offers far, far many more features than does 'awk'.


Unix or Linux?
Frequent Advisor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

ok but the problem is I dont understand the statement

echo "john doe"|perl -ne '@a=split;foreach (@a) {push @b,ucfirst};print "@b\n"'

Could you give an explanation of the statement.
Thank you
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

Hi (again):

# echo "john doe"|perl -ne '@a=split;foreach (@a) {push @b,ucfirst};print "@b\n"'

The perl switch '-n' says create a read loop. For every line read, split on whitespace (blanks, or tabs) the line's elements into a list called "a". Now, walk each element of list "a", and uppercase the first character of each element. As you do this, "push" (store) the result into a new list called "b". When every element in a line has been handled, print the modified line.

You could use this with a file, like:

# perl -ne '@a=split;foreach (@a) {push @b,ucfirst};print "@b\n"' yourfile


Unix or Linux?
Frequent Advisor

Re: Shell script question using sed or awk

Great but it doesnt seem to append to a file. All the other statments do append to a file. My code is as follows:

> testFile
printf "\n" >> testFile
echo "john.doe"|perl -ne '@a=split;foreach (@a) {push @b,ucfirst};print "@b\n\n"' >> testFile
ps -U john.doe >> testFile

Its only the echo line that is not appending to testFile. Any ideas why?