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Re: advfs space

allan yang
Occasional Contributor

advfs space


I need to free/location more space on the root domain.

right now there are three domains on the server. how can I relocation partition space from one domain to another?


this is the old true 64 unix, not being used for quite a while, I think it's ver. 5.
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: advfs space

> [...] I think it's ver. 5.

sizer -v

Even "uname -a" would be better than a guess.
Venkatesh BL
Honored Contributor

Re: advfs space

You cannot relocat partition space from one domain to another. All filesets in _a_ domain share the storage space. This space cannot be shared across different advfs domains.

What you could do is - try to remove unwanted files from root_domain. Or, create a domain for a sub-dir of root that is using more space and then migrate all the files from root domain to this new domain/fileset.
Kapil Jha
Honored Contributor

Re: advfs space

Generally when system is build it used to be considered that root file system would be OK.

You will have to find out why its been filled up.

du -sk *|sort -n would be your friend
Else above suggestion holds good.


I am in this small bowl, I wane see the real world......

Re: advfs space

There is a workaround for this but with a limitation of course...
The limitation is; you must have your swap partition and root_domain on two consecutive partitions (eg. dsk0a & dsk0b) and you should be able to crate a new swap partition (eg. on dsk4h)

This is out of our workaround but as a reminder if you want to allocate space from a domain (eg. data_domain), first you have to remove volume(s) from that domain and add those volumes to other domain (eg. other_domain) but before doing so make sure that you have enough space. (Unfortunately, this doesn't work for root_domain)
# rmvol dskXg data_domain
# addvol dskXg other_domain

So the workaround;
1. Locate the disk where your root partition is
# ls /etc/fdmns/root_*/
and it should give you something like this

2. Locate your swap partition
# swapon -s
and it should give you something like this
Swap partition /dev/disk/dsk0b (default swap):

3. Define a new partition for your swap space
3.1 Edit sysconfig file, remove line for the old swap partition (dsk0b) and add the new one
# vi /etc/sysconfigtab
swapdevice = /dev/disk/dsk4h
and run the following command
3.2 # swapon -a (activates new swap space)
*** You may need to add extra disk or disklabel a disk before performing the above actions.

4. Now you have to edit disklabel so that you can overwrite dsk0a on dsk0b (Please consult man pages for more info)
# disklabel -r -e -F dsk0

5. Extend the dsk0a on dsk0b
# mount -u -o extend root_domain#root /

In summary, this only works if you have your root on dskXa and swap space on dskXb (or on any consecutive partitions)

Also, make sure that you understand the concept of disklabel "very well" before performing this.

Good luck...
Venkatesh BL
Honored Contributor

Re: advfs space

CAUTION: Before trying any of this, take a full backup of the root_domain.
Pieter 't Hart
Honored Contributor

Re: advfs space

If you got the "ADVFS advanced license" (use "lmf list") you can add a new partiton (free partition on another disk) to an ADVFS domain.
Beware! this domain then depends on availability of two disks.

Without the license, I think it's still possible with a partiton on the same disk.
Look if you can free a partition on the system disk by moving the domain on this parttion to another disk (backup/restore) and then add the partition on the systemdisk to the root-domain.