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Re: Attach San Disk to Tru64 then to HP-UX

Joaquin Martinez_1
Frequent Advisor

Re: Attach San Disk to Tru64 then to HP-UX

I thought about the tape idea, but it would be extremely slow. Also, the tape drive on the box is not working at all, so it would have to be first replaced.

The idea of not using the network is because of either things, network slowness and bottleneck.

Keep in mind this is a 2TB database.

An update: We tried to do it over the network the day before yesterday, and it took almost day and a half only to make the backup.

Thanks for the suggestions. Next thing I will try is to setup an small test with a lun from the san.
Rob Leadbeater
Honored Contributor

Re: Attach San Disk to Tru64 then to HP-UX


I very much doubt that you will get a Tru64 filesystem, be it AdvFS or UFS to be recognised by HP-UX.

What is your network infrastructure ?

How are you currently backing up ?

Presumably this 2TB database is important so it's surprising that you don't appear to have a working tape backup...


Joaquin Martinez_1
Frequent Advisor

Re: Attach San Disk to Tru64 then to HP-UX

Hi Rob.

Network infraestructure is mixed, 1Gigabit and 10/100, not sure enough.

Yes, we are currently backing up, but it takes many trys to get the tape to work, it will have to be replaced soon.

So, it woulnd't be possible to get a working filesystem on the HP-UX side from the Tru64, huh ?
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Attach San Disk to Tru64 then to HP-UX

> [...] some data [...]
> [no other clues?]

> Keep in mind this is a 2TB database.

It's easier to keep it in mind after you
reveal it.

> So, it woulnd't be possible [...]

Have you run the experiment? I'd trust
reality over a free opinion. (But I wouldn't
bet much on success.)