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Re: 220mx C1119M autochanger secure vs. ready modes

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220mx C1119M autochanger secure vs. ready modes

C1119M jukebox (firmware rev 5.14) with:
ML370-G3 (Win2000 server)
ML350-G5 (Win2003 server)

Jukebox runs though self-test, displays firmware rev and then shows "Ready" in front panel LED display (OK). About 1-min after OS (Win2000 or Win2003) boots, it changes from "Ready" to "Secure" (before any applications are started). HP online support said it is probably config option 15 being "On", however I explained that we use all default settings and config option 15 is "Off". I saw brief mention of this setting in an old service manual. I did confirm that the option is "Off" at "Ready" mode and also after "Secure" mode is set. I also confirmed that if I stop the "Removable Storage" service, that the jukebox immediately switches back to "Ready" and when I restart the service, it switches back to "Secure".

A collegue has a similar jukebox and it sometimes is running in "Secure" mode OK and then switches back to "Ready" mode by itself, with the OS running (same h/w and setup as mine). I asked him to check if anything is interfering with the Removable Storage Service.

Q: What is the difference between "Ready" and "Secure" mode and how is it set to secure mode?

Q: Any idea why it would switch from "Secure" to "Ready" by itself?

[ Rant - It is really annoying that they don't post the most recent service manual on the web. They used to post it but when I just asked they said it was for "internal use only". How lame is that?!?! ]
Measure twice, cut once.
Marino Meloni_1
Honored Contributor

Re: 220mx C1119M autochanger secure vs. ready modes

Not 100% sure but it looks like this is set when the device is in "reserved mode".
When an application take ownership of a scsi device, it can send a "reserve scsi command". following scsi command comming from other backup application or form fromt panel are then ignored until the original application send a "release" command.
This is still in use with all scsi devices including tape drive, library and MO JB.
Frequent Advisor

Re: 220mx C1119M autochanger secure vs. ready modes

The manual does not mention "reserved" mode and I'm not sure where to get information about that. Could this occur even without the application being launched? It goes from "secure" to "ready" just after the OS boots but nothing else. (Note: Windows 2003 system uses native Windows driver; 2000 server system uses HP/Plasmon autochanger driver, loaded separately; but both systems act the same, so I don't think it is driver-specific in any case).
Measure twice, cut once.
Marino Meloni_1
Honored Contributor

Re: 220mx C1119M autochanger secure vs. ready modes

RSM is a service that continusly polls the scsi bus (and not only scsi bus) in order to found new storage devices and test them for status (TUR Test Unit Ready) if RMS found a library, Autoloader or JB, it may try to get the inventory, this happens when OS boot. RSM use the miniport drivers, then if the JB changer and drives are listed in device manager, RSM is able to take control of them.
My suggestion is to stop and disable the RSM (check anyway that the services didn't restart by itself after a reboot, as this some time happens even if it is disabled, and then see if with the RSM not active, the behavior is still present.
There is also some litterature around that explain how to disable the polling feature at a driver level acting in the Registry.
And again this is a supposition, it may be the behavior come from something other.