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Re: DL385G1 - 2nd CPU not detected

Miles Davis
Occasional Advisor

DL385G1 - 2nd CPU not detected

Howdy. We have a new DL385G1 dual core 2.4G. The server comes standard with 1 cpu. We have added any additional 2.4 cpu, with it's PPM card and additional memory. Memory has been inserted for both cpus with 2*2gb per cpu. The memory is in the slots furthest away from the cpu. When the server boots it only recoginises the first cpu and the memory allocated to this cpu. The 2nd cpu and it's memory is not recognised at all. If I take the memory out of the 2nd cpu slots, it is not recognised either.

There are no POST error messages or warning sounds when the server boots. Does anyone know what special magic has to be applied to ge the serer to recognise the second cpu? Help is muchly appreciated!!! thanks.
Honored Contributor

Re: DL385G1 - 2nd CPU not detected

hello miles,

one of these could be the cause,

#outdated system rom,
latest available here,

#remove the 2nd proc,update the system rom(incase its outdated) and then install the 2nd proc.

#verify if the part number of both the procs are same

#check memory configuration chart
and verify if matches with your configuration

Miles Davis
Occasional Advisor

Re: DL385G1 - 2nd CPU not detected

Thanks for the pointers. Turns out that the CPU was not installed correctly. Dangeriously, the lock down lever on the cpu was not released when the CPU was first inserted. Reinstalling the CPU correctly resolved the issue. Thanks for your help.

Honored Contributor

Re: DL385G1 - 2nd CPU not detected

fortunate,cpu is still in good shape. :-)
Miles Davis
Occasional Advisor

Re: DL385G1 - 2nd CPU not detected

Resolved as above. Or by following the correct procedures.... :) thanks.