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Test shutdown of servers on R/T3000 UPS

Occasional Contributor

Test shutdown of servers on R/T3000 UPS

Hi All,

I've got 5 servers connected to an R/T 3000 UPS and I've just got the agent installed on all of them and communicating OK with the UPS.

I want to get the shutdown facility working, but is there a way i can test it on just one server on the UPS rather than shutting them all down?

These are all live servers, but one server (my management one) can be rebooted anytime so I want to test with this one.


Brian Vo
Trusted Contributor

Re: Test shutdown of servers on R/T3000 UPS


Real test requires to shutdown the UPS (all load segments), once in the OS Shutdown phase, the shutdown command can't be canceled. So you can't test just one server if other servers's power are already plugged into the UPS.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Test shutdown of servers on R/T3000 UPS

Thanks, will have to figure something else out then.

Almost had a "live" test over the weekend where there was a power cut and all the servers on the UPS received the shutdown notification. I'd got it set on a 5 minute delay, but after 4 minutes the power came back and the shutdown was auto cancelled according to the logs, so at least comms is working.

Thanks though, will see if I can figure something out.