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Re: SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

HPE Blogger

SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

Question to those of you currently building SDN applications.


We're working on training and certification for developers - to cover everything someone new to the space would need to know to get going on development; and are wondering if we should require all developers to start with the HP Networking ATP sales technical certification first.


HP Accredited Technical Professional (ATP) - Demonstrates you have the foundational skills needed for HP SMB and mid-market solutions. It means you can design and architect HP solutions, install and configure HP equipment and software, and administer and support the solutions once they are in place.


This would be the ATP which requires

- 5 days of networking training - VLANs, STP routing, mobility, IRF, IMC, network design

- 8 hours of web based training - covering all of HP's Enterprise Group products


There is a self-study (via the HP Press book) and test-out option.






HPE WW Telco Marketing / @AndyTelco
Occasional Collector

Re: SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

What if you all ready have a HP MASE Infrastructure? I think that would meet the requirement. Would I still have to test out?

HPE Blogger

Re: SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

If you already have a current & valid ASE or MASE that would satisfy the pre-requisites.



HPE WW Telco Marketing / @AndyTelco
Established Member

Re: SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

What about the development skills requirements.  What does it exactly entail?


Re: SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

I'd agree that there is a need to prove basic network protocol and architecture understanding but not necessarily product knowledge (besides does it support OF 1.3). The important thing to know about the products are the OpenFlow specific implementation details (TCAM size for rules, installation of rules per second, match/action # rules per second, OF implementation difference between ProVision and Broadcom Trident etc.) but this is not part of the current courses.  

A deep understanding of the basic network protocols (Ethernet, IP, VLAN, ICMP, ARP... basically all protocols Comware/ProVision can match) is needed (sizes and fields of the different headers) as this is important for a SDN training. 

When you are putting a SDN dedicated training together please let me know. I'd like to understand how your are going to separate the programming (Java, Maven, OSGi, API) from the networking part (OF).



HPE Blogger

Re: SDN Developer training and certification - how much pre-work on networking makes sense

Hi guys,


Thanks for your input. 


We decided not to force any pre-requisite courses, so you can sign up for the training without having any other HPN certifications.  


Obviously those with a background or understanding of networking and programming will get more out of the training than those that are starting from zero.


HP ASE – SDN Application Developer V1 

Developing HP SDN Applications, Rev. 14.11 - Course Data Sheet



HPE WW Telco Marketing / @AndyTelco