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Re: LX Pro

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Jon Williams_3
New Member

LX Pro

Is there anyway around the 2000 mb limit for Nt 4.0 OS intallation. When you do the install it limits you to 2000 mb. All of my newer servers allow you to expand it, but not the LX Pro
Greg Carlson
Honored Contributor

Re: LX Pro

You can go 4-8GB but HP never supported anything past 4GB on the older servers. To get around the MS 2GB limit format or initialize your hdd. Then FDisk a 4-8gb partition. Then when you start your install NT will recognize you have a larger partition and you can delete it and recreate it. Make sure you use the HP driver for your SCSI driver or you won't find the hdd's.

Lets Roll!
Jon Williams_3
New Member

Re: LX Pro

I didn't wait for the setup program to prompt me for more drivers, it happens too late in the process. As soon as I saw the text message "Setup is inspecting your computer..." I hit F6 two or three times, then waited for the prompt,it came sooner in the setup process.
Then I was able to load the HP Netraid driver and configure the drive partition for 4GB

