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Re: CD-RW's

Bob Howell
New Member


I have a CDWriter Plus, and I didn't need the information that was on one of them any longer, so I did a CD erase and reformated the disk and now whenever I try to store/use the disk my pc freezes up, I have to shut down and while restarting pc, eject disk quickly, can any one tell me whats going on, the disk is not that old, I had program files stored on it along with some photos, they are fujifilm 74 min disks
I have several other disk of the same type and they work fine



P.S. This thread has been moved from Disk-Based Systems > Disk to Optical Jukeboxes & Drives. - Hp Forum Moderator

Here's 35 cents, call someone that cares
Curt Thompson
Respected Contributor

Re: CD-RW's

Hello Bob,

You did not mention in your post the model number of the CDWriter Plus. However, there are firmware updates for many models of CDWriters that seem to fix the symptoms you are experiencing.

Take a look at this URL for additional firmware updates to your specific model:


Or, go to www.hp.com and select the 'Drivers' area and drill-down from there.

Good Luck,

Frequent Advisor

Re: CD-RW's

If it's an internal IDE drive that you're using,go into Device Manager and check the Properties of the CDW.Under the Settings Tab, make sure that DMA is disabled.If it's not,disable it and then apply this.You should be asked to reboot the computer if this has been done right.When the computer reboots,check that DMA is still disabled.

Also make sure that Direct CD is running in the backround if you're trying to work with a Direct CD formatted disk.
9100i and software
Neil Shapiro
Occasional Advisor

Re: CD-RW's

This may be obvious but have you checked the disk for scratches or glop? On a different CD-RW drive I one time had a disk that did freeze my system (even with Direct CD running)and I finally used one of the fill-in type cleaning solutions on it and it worked normally -- although I just got my data off of it and then trashed it.