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回复: 3PAR-F系列硬盘更换



  • 连接到Inserv 命令行
  • Showpd -C查看硬盘状态,状态显示降级的为可进行后续更换操作
  • servicemag start -pdid <X> (X未目标硬盘PID
  • servicemag status 查看servicemag操作是否successed,成功后showpdd可查看到故障硬盘failed,故障硬盘亮红灯可进行操作
  • 硬盘更换
  • Showpd –C可看到原系统多出一个新的硬盘ID
1 条回复1

回复: 3PAR-F系列硬盘更换

1) First find your failed disks:

a) showpd -s -failed -degraded

b) showpd -i -failed -degraded

Please post the output of these two commands.


2) Taking the cage and mag info from the above commands:

servicemag start cage# mag#


3) Checking status:

servicemag status -d cage# mag#


4) Once this is done, you can replace the disk(s) in the magazine. Use this to blink the LEDs:

locatecage -t 255 <cage_name> <mag>

(Note: This is a cage name, not number. I.e. cage0.

Warning: Make sure you replace the right magazine and disk!

Make sure you familiarize yourself with the magazine and disk numbering and ordering direction.


5) Then do do the resume:

servicemag resume cage# mag#


6) You can check the status as in 3).


When done, you could do 1) to make sure no more failed disks.

And you could do:

checkhealth pd