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Apached webserver configuration!!!

Regular Advisor

Apached webserver configuration!!!

I have installed apache and I cant get the daemon to start and i get a message
ERROR: could not start daemon

Can anyone tell me the correct way to start this daemon and the configuration files to be edited so that I can get this web server up and running...

POINTS will be assigned for all answers responded..

Rajeev  Shukla
Honored Contributor

Re: Apached webserver configuration!!!

After you install Apache go to the home directory of apache. Say its /opt/apache (by default) the conf directory in this contains all configuration files.
/opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf is the file which you need to edit, make the changes and then start the apache server as /opt/apache/bin/apachectl start

That should start the apache server.

Jim Large
Occasional Advisor

Re: Apached webserver configuration!!!

You definitely need to do some configuration work to get Apache to run. . .I see you posted this in the database section, are you working with the Apache Server installed from Oracle, or from a Source/Binary distrib?

You can config Apache by using an editor to open the httpd.conf file with the conf directory. You'll want to pay attention to some of the directives and settings pertaining to host and the location of the default server directory from which your files will be served. I have installed Apache and had it work "out of the box" working with HP's version, so I'm somewhat surprised you ran into issues if this is what you're using.

Can you run apachectl configtest from the command line and let us know what the output is?
If you don't go to anyone's funeral, they won't go to yours!
Michael Tully
Honored Contributor

Re: Apached webserver configuration!!!

If the distribution you've installed is a HP depot type, then the log file should provide some assistance.

Anyone for a Mutiny ?
T G Manikandan
Honored Contributor

Re: Apached webserver configuration!!!

Rajeev is right.

modify the httpd.conf file for your setup like the server name,port no.,etc.

I feel the server name is not specified in the conf file.

you can check the errlog file (logs) to find out the reason specifically.
The logs should be really helpful

Tom Jackson
Valued Contributor

Re: Apached webserver configuration!!!


It sould run out of the box. If you installed it as a part of a webserver bundle or database, there may be some other specific configuration requirements.

I would go back through any readme's and installation doco. Then I would reinstall making no or very minor config changes. I would cautiously add config changes and verify startups.

You may want to provide more details on you app and os versions, as well as whether it's bundled.

main config file: httpd.conf
startup: apachectl start

