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pwd : Permission Denied

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Kong Kian Chay
Regular Advisor

pwd : Permission Denied

HP-UX 10.20 system. No problem for "root". However, for a normal user :--
#cd (goto Home-Dir)
#pwd (O.K, no problem)
#/usr/bin/pwd (pwd : Permission Denied)
#whereis pwd (result: /usr/bin/pwd)
#which pwd (result: /usr/bin/pwd)
#ll -d /usr (result: drwxr-xr-x)
#ll -d /usr/bin (result: drwxr-xr-x)
#ll /usr/bin/pwd (result: r-xr-xr-x)
#alias | grep pwd (nothing)

How can I resolve the permission problem for commd "/usr/bin/pwd" ? I have no problem with other workstations.
Stefan Schulz
Honored Contributor

Re: pwd : Permission Denied

Interesting, as the rights to /usr/bin/pwd are ok there should be no problem.

As the ksh has a build in pwd this will always work as it should.

How about the rights of the directory you are in?
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Paul Murray_1
Frequent Advisor

Re: pwd : Permission Denied

Although the permissions are ok, what are the ownerships ??

I've checked this on one of my 10.20 systems, and both the /usr/, /usr/bin/ directories and pwd files are owned by bin:bin.

Just remember, nobody knows everything !!
Bernard  Bravo

Re: pwd : Permission Denied

these usually happens when you have no execute permission on the current directory.

the shell has its own enterpreter for "pwd", there wont be any problem excuting it on currently shell.
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Vincenzo Restuccia
Honored Contributor

Re: pwd : Permission Denied

Try chmod 777 pwd and after replace the old permission.
Kong Kian Chay
Regular Advisor

Re: pwd : Permission Denied

Sorry for the late response -- half day leave. Vicenzo has solved the problem --- I just simply chmod 777 /usr/bin/pwd, then chmod 555 /usr/bin/pwd, and the Problem is now SOLVED.

Thanks everybody !