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Secondary Dump추가시 Error Message 발생


Secondary Dump추가시 Error Message 발생

OS : 10.20

Kclass 서버입니다

Secondary Dump를 추가하려고 VG에 남아있는 PV영역을

lvcreate –L 2000 –C y –r n /dev/vg00 해서 성공적으로

만들어주었습니다 그후

lvlnboot -d를 사용하여 Primary Dump를 잡아주고

lvlnboot -d Secondary를 해주었으나 다음과 같은

에러 메세지가 발생하였습니다 IODC란것이 무엇인지

궁금하구요 어떻게 해결해야 할지 가르쳐주세요....

#>lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol_dump

lvlnboot: Unable to configure dump logical volume.

Dump logical volume size beyond the IODC max address.

*참고로 Dmesg내용에 Dump(1.8G)사이즈가 Phsycal Memory

사이즈보다(2.6G)적다고 경고메세지가 나와서 Secodary Dump를 추가하려고 합니다 그외 다른 방법이있는지요?
3 응답 3
정기 조언자

Secondary Dump추가시 Error Message 발생

먼저 IODC란 I/O Dependent Code를 말합니다. 이 문제는 PDC firmware를 업데이트해야 해결될 문제로 보입니다.

# man lvlnboot

를 실행해서 man page를 보면 다음과 같은 내용이 나옵니다.


Dump Volume Warnings

At the HP-UX 11.00 release and forward, the lvlnboot command will

support any size dump device depending upon the IODC firmware

addressability of the system. If the configured dump logical volume

is out of the range of what the firmware can address, the lvlnboot

command will return an error message such as "Unable to configure dump

logical volume. Dump logical volume size beyond the IODC max


Root, primary swap and dump as defined with lvlnboot need to be placed on disk within the range covered by the "IODC max address".

Root,primary swap,dump 영역은 "IODC max address" 범위에 내에 할당이 되어야 하는데 추가 할려는 secondary dump 영역이 이 범위를 벗었났기 때문에 발생하는 문제 입니다.

"IODC max address"는 H/W와 model에 따라서

- 2GB

- 4GB

- or much more with block addressing이 가능하답니다.

PDC firmware update 쪽으로 알아봐야 할 듯하고 아니면 Root,swap,dump 영역 사이즈를 재 조정해야 할 듯 합니다.....

이 문제는 itrc 미국 포럼 사이트에 많이 올라와 있습니다. 한번 방문해서 참조해보시면 도움이 될 듯 합니다.

정기 조언자

Secondary Dump추가시 Error Message 발생

쩝.. 영문이라 해석은 못 했습니다.

님께서 올리신 글과 100% 맞는 글 같네요.

IODC 란것은 자세히 설명은 못 드리겠지만 IO Dependent Code 의 약어


PDC (Processor Dependent Code) 즉 서버 자체에 프로세서나 (PDC)

IO 장치들을 관리하기 위한 Code 들이죠.

내용을 읽어 보시면 Kernel Patch 가 필요하실 것 같습니다.

즉, Patch 작업 후 Rebooting 이 필요합니다.

담당 엔지니어와 협의 후 일정을 잡아 작업을 진행하시는 것이 좋으

실것 같네요. 그럼... 아래글 참조하세요.

그리고 Patch는 PHKL_16751로 Upgrade 된 것 같습니다. 물론 1998년자

Patch 입니다.


I installed patch PHCO_12822, but I still can't

add dump > 2 GB. I have created a 1.5 GB logical volume, which

I would like to use in addition to the existing 5 GB dump logical

volume. But, when I run the command

lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol9

I get the following error messages:

lvlnboot:unable to configure dump logical volume

Dump logical volume size beyond the IODC max address

Why can't I expand the size?


Operating System - HPUX

Version - 10.20

Hardware System - HP 9000

Series - K570


If you get a complaint from IODC when trying to extend your dump

past 2 GB, it may be because your IODC firmware does not support

dumps greater than 2 GB. Or, the problem MAY be caused by a defect in the kernel, not the IODC firmware. It is a case of the kernel not 'trusting' the IODC card, and thus not allowing your dump to be extended past 2 GB.

The kernel contains a table which identifies certain interface

cards as containing IODC code capable of addressing to 4 GB.

All interface cards not identified in this table are assumed to be

only to 2 GB. Patch PHKL_15457 updates this table with

additional interface cards (perhaps including yours).

Note: This patch, as with any patch, may be superseded. Please

check for the latest patch at the Electronic Support Center

(ESC) by using either of these web sites:



The following information is an example of configuring a 4 GB dump

partition on a set of 9 GB disk devices on HP-UX 10.20. The example

sets up 2-2 GB dump lvols, one on each disk device. It is important

that the dump lvols do not extend past the 1st 2 GB of each physical

disk, they must be contiguous, and non-relocatable.

This example assumes a IODC firmware limitation of 2 GB; however,

please note that some I/O cards have an IODC firmware limitation of

4 GB. This example can easily be expanded on to work with I/O cards

that support 4 GB address range or more.

The example also assumes the root filesystem is JFS.

이부분은 간략한 그림인데 자꾸 깨져서 그냥 지웁니다...

As a part of the cold install process, the initial disk will be set

up with /stand as an initial LV on the disk. The rest of the first

2 GB of the disk should be configured for Swap/Dump, leaving the

remaining 9 GB available for other LVs (Logical Volumes).

Assuming that the first dump device has already been configured, the

following steps add the second 9 GB disk into the root volume group and

configures a 2 GB dump area on it.

1. Initialize the Physical Volume on the second device.

# pvcreate /dev/rdsk/cXtYdZ

2. Add the newly created Physical Volume to the root Volume Group.

# vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ

3. Create a Contiguous, Non-Relocatable Logical Volume 2 GB

in size on the new Physical Volume.

# lvcreate -C y -r n -L 2040 /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ

Note: The size is 2040 MB rather than 2048 MB. This difference

allows for the LVM metadata preceding the logical volume.

4. Add the newly created Logical Volume as a dump partition in the

LVM data structures Boot Data Reserved Area (BDRA).

# lvlnboot -d lvolAA /dev/vg00

Note: If lvlnboot rejects this due to the space taken by LVM

metadata preceeding lvolAA, etc, you will need to specify

<2040 MB.

5. Verify the config.

# lvlnboot -v

6. Add a new 'swap' line for /dev/vg00/lvolAA into /etc/fstab to

automatically enable secondary swap to that partition on reboot

if desired.

7. Add logical volume to swap area if desired.

# swapon -a

Note that this procedure will result in slightly less than 4 GB

available for dump. It will be reduced by the size of the LVM

metadata as well as the size of /stand. If using HFS for the root

filesystem, the root filesystem ("/") will be lvol1 and could

reduce the size of lvol2 significantly.


Secondary Dump추가시 Error Message 발생

제가 볼때는 primary dump 를 따로 볼륨을 잡아서 해주기 전까지는

default 로 primary swap 영역이 primary dump 영역입니다.

그래서 따로 primary dump 영역을 잡을 필요가 없고

할당한 lvol 만 senddary 로 잡아주시면 될것 같네요~

그리고 swap 을 추가 하시는 방법이 제일로 간단합니다.

아님 os 를 ignite 으로 백업받아서 다시 설치 과정에서

변경하는방법도 있습니다.