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Learn how to increase success of your IoT projects with this free webinar and whitepaper

Futurum.PNGThis is one of the paradigms for any successful project implementation: the vision, goals and strategy must be crystal clear and agreed upon by all sponsors and stakeholders. This is even more essential with Industrial IoT projects, where there is no blueprint to follow and key participating groups come from across the enterprise, namely Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT).

Yet despite all the attention that IoT commentators and experts are giving to the convergence and collaboration of IT and OT โ€“ in other words, the use of IT systems in business operations environments โ€“, thereโ€™s still a real shortage of data, insights and advice around how that collaboration works in practice, and how best to enhance it.

This is why weโ€™re excited to announce a research paper and a webinar that will help your organization foster the IT/OT dynamic and ensure a successful implementation of your IoT initiatives:

Bridging the IoT Perception Gap: Information Technology vs. Operational Technology.
Join Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), analytics software leader SAS, and analyst firm Futurum Research for this complimentary event on August 15 at 2:00 ET.

In this webinar, weโ€™ll explore these potential road-bumps on the IoT journey in more depth and explain how you can convert these challenges into the keystones of collaboration between IT and OT teams.

This is a follow up and complementary to a new survey report from Futurum Research that identifies six โ€œIoT perception gapsโ€ โ€“ ways in which IT and OT teams think differently about IoT:

  1. The value gap โ€“ how IT and OT view the strategic value of IoT
  2. The impact gap โ€“ the perceived risk of failure in Internet of Things projects
  3. The leadership gap โ€“ perceptions of who owns overall responsibility for driving IoT initiatives
  4. The success gap โ€“ differences in how IT and OT teams see their respective roles
  5. The challenge gap โ€“ viewpoints on barriers to success in IoT
  6. The budget gap โ€“ expectations around funding. 

We hope you can join us! You can register for the webinar here.

I am an HPE employee.
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Technologist in the making and proud geek. I crave chaos from disruptive tech trends: #5G #IoT #BigData #AI. Currently leading Marketing for @HPE_Telco