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Re: Unable to compile proc

Occasional Advisor

Unable to compile proc

we where using Proc in HP UX B 10.20 Ver

with command as below

make -f proc.mk EXE=abc OBJS=abc.o

now we have copied same proc.mk file from B10.20 ver to B11.31 ver

and trying to run the above command

we have following error

cc -o abc abc.o -L/u01/app/oracle/OraHome_1/lib -lxa -lsql -lsqlnet1
id: Can't find library for -lxa
Fatal error,
***Error exit code 1

kindly help us in resolving this
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Unable to compile proc

>ld: Can't find library for -lxa

What is the path for your libxl.*?
Is it in /u01/app/oracle/OraHome_1/lib/?

Perhaps Oracle has moved the library deeper in the directory, since 11.00 started having 32 and 64 bit lib versions?
Occasional Advisor

Re: Unable to compile proc

Dennis Handly

Thanks for reply

there is no file like "libxl.*" when searched from root '/'
does it require any installation ? if so what need to be installed
does HP UX B11.31 has any other equivalent complier/script for proc.mk
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Unable to compile proc

>there is no file like "libxl.*" when searched from root '/'

Where is it on your 10.20 system?
Is this about ProC?
Occasional Advisor

Re: Unable to compile proc

Dennis Handly
Thank you for response

file libxl.* does not exists even in HP UX 10.20 server too.

Yes it is about Pro C

is this issues has something to do with Itanium process?
what are default complier available with HP UX 11.31 OS?
How to check what comlier is already available in system?

Please help!
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Unable to compile proc

>file libxl.* does not exist even in 10.20 server too.

Oops, your error message said libxa.*. Is that there?

>what are default compiler available with HP-UX 11.31? How to check what compiler is already available in system?

The bundled C compiler is not for development. You must purchase the HP C/aC++ compiler or use gcc.
Is /opt/aCC/bin/cc present?
Occasional Advisor

Re: Unable to compile proc

Hello Dennis Handly

1) Following is search for libxa* in 10.20 version of HP UX
# find / -name libxa*
# find / -name libsql*

2) Following is the output of search for /opt/acc/bin/cc in 11.31 Version of HP UX
# find /opt -name cc*

hope this output will help to some extent
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Unable to compile proc

>1) Following is search for libxa* in 10.20

Where is it on your 11.31 system?

>2) Following is the output of search for /opt/acc/bin/cc in 11.31

(That's /opt/aCC/.)
It appears you don't have the ANSI C compiler and unless install a compiler you won't be able to do ProC development.
Occasional Advisor

Re: Unable to compile proc

File linxa* does not exists in HP UX 11.31
Occasional Advisor

Re: Unable to compile proc

File libxa* does not exists in HP UX 11.31
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Unable to compile proc

>File libxa* does not exists in 11.31

Then you need to ask Oracle what replaces it. Perhaps you should just remove -lxa from the link line?