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DL360 G3 - fan speed option?

Occasional Advisor

DL360 G3 - fan speed option?

So...i managed to get Ubuntu 9.04 desktop running without any issues on my DL360 G3.

Now i'm read tens of posts everywhere about noise and i'm still unclear about the solution.

I have updated the server to the max (i believe) using smartstart/firmware etc. But i don't see an option in the RBSU/elsewhere to control the fans speed. If that's a myth how can i use hpasm on Ubuntu 9.04 ?

Any help appreciated because it's far too noisy even in my garage ;-)

Navid Baradaran

Re: DL360 G3 - fan speed option?


DL360 series are noisy before its G5 generation cuz of its compact design naturally but it should n't be at your garage level :)
Check the server front panel LEDs, if you have both NICs connected, you should have FOUR GREEN LEDs in front panel, the top LED is your system internal health, if its amber consider an internal FAN failure.
DL servers have a cooling mechanism which in case of a single FAN failure turnes all remainings operating in 100% speed, your server became a turbo jet.
This failure is reported in POST also inidicating a fan failure and full speed operation of the others to provode adeq. cooling.
Another reason could be your ambient tempreture, you've mentioned your garage and I am wondering about its enviroment, your server will increase FAN speeds in tempretures higher than 23 degree, in 30 you have a blower, in 40 you have a A380!
Occasional Advisor

Re: DL360 G3 - fan speed option?

Hi Navid

I have 1 nic cable connected only therefore i only see 3 green leds. but all the fans are definetely working so there are no fan failures.

i read somewhere else that there may be hardware or software fan speed control but i don't have the know-how to do it either way.

The garage temp is about 20C.

Jimmy Vance

Re: DL360 G3 - fan speed option?

It's been a really long time since I've had a G3 running, but if I remember correctly the health agent/driver slows the fans down

This is what your looking for

HP ProLiant Support Pack CD for Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 ("lenny") and Ubuntu 9.04 ("jaunty") x86 and AMD64/EM64T

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Occasional Advisor

Re: DL360 G3 - fan speed option?

Hi thanks for that. I managed to install hp_health one fine.

"show fans" said "normal" and "17%".

Now for me that's just too loud!

I don't see an option to set that to say "1%" or something.
