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HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

New Member

HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

I am new to this so I will try to explain myself as best as possible. My company bought some servers (see subject) and they came wiped. Everything starts ok and I configured a RAID1 with two of the available drive and the other four a RAID5 set up. I allowed the CD to boot up but now I get the following error:

make sure your HD's are powered up (which they are) and that any disk related hardware configuration is correct (I thought that is what I did) This may involve running a manufacturer supplied diagnostic disk or setup program. I looked all over for a HP set-up disk for the hardware, etc but cannot find one. Help?

Honored Contributor

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

hi M3

let me ask you are you using Smartstart CD to install Windows 2000?

smartstart Cd is application that let's you install easier. I dont know if you're using it

your servers are Dl380 generation? generation 1, generation 2?.....?

Didn't your momma teach you to say thanks!
Honored Contributor

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

also just in case update the System ROM for your server in fact all the firmware would be much better

how many servers are those? all of them show the same error?

Didn't your momma teach you to say thanks!
Oleg Koroz
Honored Contributor

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

As it mentioned before add details like:

Exact server model (which is probably G2 or G3)
Configuration used - storage controller 5i?
Smart Start: CD release ver.?

If array configured and you see from POST logical drives; use F6 and load drivers from diskette if G2 or G3 server. Ignore smart Start, load PSP after.

Good luckтМй=en&cc=us

Frequent Advisor

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

Dear M3,

Please dont mind,But check whether that is smart start cd or management cd.

If it is smart start& servers are old genaration (g1,g2,g3) then go for smart start 7.1 to 7.4 & try to install.

If new genration then Boot through O/S CD & install arrey driver manualy through f6

all the best.
Frequent Advisor

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

Dear M3,

Please dont mind,But check whether that is smart start cd or management cd.

If it is smart start& servers are old genaration (g1,g2,g3) then go for smart start 7.1 to 7.4 & try to install.

If new genration then Boot through O/S CD & install arrey driver manualy through f6

New Member

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

I found an old copy of smart start which has worked, thank you all! I am now trying to find a newer version of the smart start so I can install 2003 enterprise which is not supported by the version I have. Any help?

Thanks again!

Frequent Advisor

Re: HP Proliant DL380 will not install Windows 2000

Dear M3,
Please Letus know which smart start u are auasing.So we can workout.ur server model also.If possible try to UpDATE OS Directly.

Update All Firmwares online.Or download 7.91f/w and update.May be bcz of older f/w it is not supporting.If u dont know how to update f/w then then reply.
