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LTO2 and LTO4 in MSL6000

Theo Papalimperis
Occasional Contributor

LTO2 and LTO4 in MSL6000

I am having trouble mixing LTO2 and LTO4 drives and tapes in the same library. I am using IBM TSM on WIndows Server 2003.

Basiacally the library puts LTO2 tapes into LTO4 drives and tries write (when doing a backup) and also puts LTO4 tapes into LTO2 drives which it shouldn't under any circumstances. The latter casues major ejecting dificulties (you may have seen the latest advisories)

So the question is how to stop it mixing up the tapes. Obviously it should know a LTO4 tape before it sticks it into the wrong drive from its barcode - apparently!

Help is most appreciated.

PS. TSM supports mixed tapes and drives as long as the tape library does. So TSM shouldn't be the problem.
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: LTO2 and LTO4 in MSL6000

The library will execute the commands of your software, e.g.
move tape from slot x to drive y.

IMHO you have a software config issue.

Hope this helps!

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Marek Nelec
Honored Contributor

Re: LTO2 and LTO4 in MSL6000

Theo, here is link to a document that might of interest to you:

According to this doc drive mixing is possible. There is also section about configuring TSM in a mixed media environment.