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Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

Steven McCoy
Valued Contributor

Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

Hey everyone,

We've recently rolled out the Proliant Support Pack on all our RHEL servers. Most are doing just fine, but we noticed one box this morning had a process hogging CPU time: /sbin/hplog. This file is part of the hp-health package which is part of the PSP. I quickly killed the process and restarted the hp-snmp-agents init script, and all appears fine again. Is there a log somewhere that might give us a clue as to what might be going on with this process?

The version of hp-health installed is: hp-health-8.1.1-14.rhel5

The version of PSP installed is:
Frequent Advisor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

hplog is utility which allows admin & application to log message to the Integerated management Log. This log is visible on Proliant Servers which have Remote "Lights Out" management capabilities even if the server is powered off.
So to get a better picture, you can check the IML Log.
It will give the clue that what is going on with this process.

Darrell Shen
Occasional Advisor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

I got the same problem with the same version of psp-8.15.rhel5.x86_64.en. It has just taken 1 CPU power for 100% and the system failed to response sometimes. Any solution?
Frequent Advisor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

Any IML log message??
Darrell Shen
Occasional Advisor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

I checked IML log in ilo-2 and did not find any outstanding repeated errors. Any clue?
Peter Hettkamp
New Member

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

Hello everyone,

I see a similar behavior on one of my dl585:
hp-health-8.1.1-14.sles10, 64bit kernel, this is a DL585G2 with a total of 8 cores.
I find /sbin/hplog -i running and hogging one cpu core. This process is a child of a "cmanic" process.
This happens, repeatably, after every start of the hp-snmp-agents.

I, too, would like to know what causes this behavior, and how this can be prevented.

P.S.: I do know that this version of hp-health is not the latest available. Can anyone confirm that an update of the hp-health package would remedy this?
Hakki Aydin Ucar
Honored Contributor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

I guess psp-8.15 is not supported by rhel5.3

now S8.20, it will work fine.

What is your suffix for rhel5.X

Hakki Aydin Ucar
Honored Contributor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

in addition to that why I asked this : check the following issue from advisory doc. from support doc.

RHEL 5.3 - System May Panic if the hp-ilo Package Contained in the ProLiant Support Pack (PSP) Version 8.15 (or Earlier) is Installed on a ProLiant Server Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.3


Updated Resolution section with permanent fix, PSP 8.20.
Frequent Advisor

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

RHEL5.3 OS contains hp-ilo package. So from SS 8.20 onwards RHEL5.3 is supported.
Peter Hettkamp
New Member

Re: Proliant Support Pack (hplog hogging CPU)

Sorry if my question was misleading, this is not RHEL* but SLES10SP2, which *is* supported by the PSP 8.15. But I see the same behavior, hplog hogging one CPU.