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Re: SWS/Apache Config Problem


Re: SWS/Apache Config Problem


   Well, here is what may be helpful. 


1) Comment out your virtual host stanza that you have set in your httpd.conf file.

2) IN place of it, put the following command:


Include /apache$root/conf/virtual_host.conf


3) Next, create a new file:  APACHE$ROOT:[CONF]virtual_host.conf


4) In the newly created virtual_host.conf, take my virtual_host.conf that I've been using from my system and copy it into your virtual_host.conf file.


Now I know that this isn't going to work without a little modification to it, so I'm expecting you to removed my username and replace it with the username that you are testing with, and any Device Names that I have specified, I expect that you will plug in the devices names that apply to your system.


5) Once you have gone completely through the virtual_host.conf file and you are satisfied that you have modified it sufficiently to match your system configuration, shut down the Apache Web Server.


6) Make sure that you have created a SUEXEC directory in the HTDOCS directory, and a "username" directory in the SUEXEC directory that is the same name of the user account that you are testing this with. 


Example:  apache$root:[htdocs.suexec.trachtman]


7) Then place the "mess.com" test file in the "Trachtman" subdirectory.

(Note: The "Trachtman" directory, and any files that you place in that directory must be owned by "Trachtman", not APACHE$WWW)


8) Now, before you restart the Apache Web Server, execute the command-file SYS$MANAGER:APACHE$CONFIG.COM.

 o When it asks you if you wish to set the owner UIC on CSWS files? [YES], answer:     YES

 o When it asks you if you wish to enable SuExec, answer:    YES

 o When it asks you if you want to Grant users the ability to use the suExec features...Continue?  ANSWER:  YES

 o When it prompts you with the following:

     Manage suEXEC user accounts (SHOW/GRANT/REVOKE/DONE/?): [DONE]   ENTER: GRANT

     It will then prompt you: Enter UserName:  Trachtman




      Manage suEXEC user accounts (SHOW/GRANT/REVOKE/DONE/?): [DONE]   SHOW


      suEXEC server accounts:
       suEXEC user accounts:

Manage suEXEC user accounts (SHOW/GRANT/REVOKE/DONE/?): [DONE]   DONE



You are now ready to restart the Apache Web Server and begin testing.


9) Just so that you know, I've run the "suexec.exe" executable and I have identified where it goes to find the directory path for the files that need to be run as another user other than APACHE$WWW.


$ mcr []suexec "-V"
 -D DOC_ROOT="/apache$root/htdocs"
 -D AP_LOG_EXEC="/apache$root/logs/suexec_log"
 -D AP_SAFE_PATH="/apache$root/000000"
 -D USERDIR_SUFFIX="public_html"




11) The URL that you would use to test:  http://ip.address.of.this.system.org/trachtman/message.com


The output should reflect the output shown in my previous entries.


If you are still having problems, check the log files that are created in the APACHE$ROOT:[LOGS] directory.  You will find a couple of new log files there that may help you figure out if you have any path issues etc...


-Rick Retterer








Rick Retterer HP Services OpenVMS Support