Tru64 Unix
1753776 會員
7130 線上
108799 解決方案

Some users can't mailx


Some users can't mailx

This is HP Tru64 5.1A. 以 root 可以發 mail, 但如果以其他的 account 就會出現如下 error,

queuename: Cannot create "qfQAA0000981465" in "/var/spool/mqueue" (euid=201): Permission denied


How to solve it?
3則回覆 3

Some users can't mailx

Hello Ericfj,

The "/usr/sbin/sendmail" file attribute has not been set to user ID

on execution.

Please restarting the sendmail daemon after completing the following statements.

# /sbin/init.d/sendmail stop

# cd /usr/sbin

# ls -l sendmail

# chmod 4711 sendmail

# ls -l sendmail

# /sbin/init.d/sendmail start

Please try sendmail from normal account again.

Good luck,


Some users can't mailx

Thanks. It is ok. 以下是我執行過程,

# cd /usr/sbin

# ls -l sendmail

-rwxrwxrwx 5 root bin 560128 Aug 2 2001 sendmail

# /sbin/init.d/sendmail stop

# cd /usr/sbin

# ls -l sendmail

-rwxrwxrwx 5 root bin 560128 Aug 2 2001 sendmail

# chmod 4711 sendmail

# ls -l sendmail

-rws--x--x 5 root bin 560128 Aug 2 2001 sendmail


是否可解釋為何需要 rws--x--x 的 mode 才能 sendmail?

Some users can't mailx

Hello Ericfj,

> The "/usr/sbin/sendmail" file attribute has not been set to user ID

on execution.

正如上一封回信所說的沒有設為 "user ID

on execution". 以下利用 passwd 來解釋:

# ls -l /etc/passwd /usr/bin/passwd

-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1920 Apr 19 11:51 /etc/passwd

-rws--x--x 3 root bin 16384 Apr 13 1999 /usr/bin/passwd

The "/etc/passwd" is read only by any user, especially the root has a write privilege. But the normal user will be

used the "/usr/bin/passwd" to change his/her passwd then write to the result to /etc/passwd. Due to the "/usr/bin/passwd" needs to setup to "rws--x--x". It means the "passwd" execute will be "s" (setting) to the owner privilege of the file.

當然 sendmail 正因如此而沒有權限寫及送 mail.

Hope it helpful!
