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automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

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automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest


I have synergy gen10 blades, with ilo5. I am looking into automating the option to boot from pxe ,for what I need to define the VLAN Mode as enabled (disabled by default) and set the VLAN ID.

I know how to change boot order, but without these options set up, pxe won't work.

In UEFI menu (F9 at boot up) I go to:

system configuration -> Slot 3 Port 1 : HPE Synergy 3820C 10/20Gb Converged Network Adapter - CNA -> MBA Configuration Menu -> VLAN Mode = Enabled

system configuration -> Slot 3 Port 1 : HPE Synergy 3820C 10/20Gb Converged Network Adapter - CNA -> MBA Configuration Menu -> VLAN ID(1.,4094) = 56

Any ideas on how to automate this task with ilorest? or any other method you may think about?

Thanks in advance


Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest


I believe this should help.

"File-based mode allows you to save and load settings from a file. This is similar to the conrep.dat files used by CONREP. File-based mode supports the JSON format"




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Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

Thanks for the reply. The problem is that I don't find the entry that configures the parameters I am looking for so the approach you propose is no good


Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

In general changing BIOS settings directly through iLO, in the back of OneView, may not be a good idea.

The first task to achieve, which can be challenging when no OS is installed in a system, is to identify the NIC on which we want to work on. The MAC address or the UefiDevicePath are good criterias. 

ilorest login ilo5 -u <user> -p <password>
ilorest select EthernetInterface. # note the trailing "dot"
ilorest get VLAN # Look for MAC address
ilorest set VLAN/VLANEnable=true
ilorest set VLAN/VLANId=56
ilorest status
ilorest commit
ilorest reboot ForceRestart
ilorest logout


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Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

Hi, we have same issue. We are unable to PXE boot as per PXE VLAN disable parameter in NIC/BIOS. If I change this parameter directly in ILO i get conflict with OneView howerver I did not manage to find this parameter in OneView directly. Pls advise. Many thanks!


Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

Hello @Operations_SWS

Thank you for posting! Since you have posted in an old topic and there is no response yet, I would recommend you to create a new topic using the create "New Discussion" button, so the experts can check and help you further. 

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

I have the exact same question.

There does not seem to be anything in OV still.

So the question is can REST API do it, or not? If yes, how?

"VLAN Enable" option only seems to exist for the iLO ethernet interface, not the network cards.


Re: automate pxe vlan mode and id using ilorest

Hello @juanmarco,

Thank you for posting! 

You might want to consider creating a new topic by utilizing the ""New Discussion"" button, as this will not only enhance visibility compared to the old topic but also boost your chances of receiving responses from experts.

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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