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Re: Issues with iLO Amplifier - iLO Repository Offline Update job failed


Issues with iLO Amplifier - iLO Repository Offline Update job failed


I'm having some issues while attempting to apply firmware upgrades from the 4/2021 SPP on some ProLiant BL460c Gen10 via iLO Amp 1.71 and I'm getting this message at around 14% in the job summary when performing an offline upgrade:

iLO Repository Offline Update job failed because server failing to power off. Power off the server manually and retry. iLO Response Message: There is no valid session established with the implementation. Resolution: Establish as session before attempting any operations. 

I've been using ILOAmplifier  to upgrade many other Gen10's of this flavor without issues.  I'm able to ping and traceroute the hosts from the appliance without issues, they are registered and refreshed also with no issues.  I've also tried to manually power off server 1 and attempted the upgrade again but I still get the same error message.

The hosts were registered with a local account with all of the administrator-level permissions.  

  • Product Name
    ProLiant BL460c Gen10
  • System ROM
    I41 v2.32 (03/09/2020)
  • System ROM Date
  • Redundant System ROM
    I41 v1.42 (06/20/2018)
  • License Type
    iLO Advanced
  • iLO Firmware Version
    2.14 Feb 11 2020

Is there a property in the iLO that I need to enable/disable to allow for iLOAmp to push the firmware upgrades? These are newly installed servers, I'm under the impression that they were configured with defaults/vanilla but perhaps there's something enabled like OneView management

The servers are using v2.14 of iLO, OA's are at the latest 4.97





Re: Issues with iLO Amplifier - iLO Repository Offline Update job failed

Trying to find info on SUT maybe that's the cause, host shows this, as mentioned before the host was imported into iLOAmp without issues

[root@xxxxxxxxxx:/opt/sut/bin] ./sut -status
System Update Manager...................: OS Administrator
Task Status.............................: Bios:N/A; LocalStorage:N/A; Deploy:Idle
Staging Directory.......................: /tmp/sut/stagingdirectory
Baseline URI............................: None
Baseline Version........................: Waiting for staging
Mode of Operation.......................: OnDemand
Polling Interval In Minutes.............: 5
Force Deploy............................: No
Optional Components.....................: None
EnableiLOQueuedUpdates..................: true
User Action Needed......................: To perform the firmware updates import the server to OneView or use iLO Amplifier Pack. If imported into OneView create a server profile with a firmware baseline and apply the profile to the server.
iLO Security Mode.......................: Production
iLO CAC Smartcard Authentication........: Off
iLO CAC Strict Mode.....................: Off


Re: Issues with iLO Amplifier - iLO Repository Offline Update job failed


When performing an online or offline update on a HPE Gen10 or HPE Gen10 Plus system with certain different builds of the Gen10 Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP), Smart Update Manager (SUM) will upload a component in the first run to the HPE Integrated Lights-Out 5 (iLO 5) Repository.

In subsequent runs, SUM will not upload the component because it is already in the iLO 5 Repository; therefore, the component from the iLO 5 Repository is selected for installation instead of the SPP component.

Any HPE Gen10 system or HPE Gen10 plus system when performing iLO 5 based repository update when older builds of a component already present in iLO Repository.

As a workaround, remove the component from the iLO 5 Repository by selecting "remove component."

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Re: Issues with iLO Amplifier - iLO Repository Offline Update job failed

Hi Sanjeev,


Thanks for your reply.  I'm looking at the iLO repository and the only thing there is the recovery set with is telling me it's locked and cannot be deleted.  Is this the repository that you're referring to?




Re: Issues with iLO Amplifier - iLO Repository Offline Update job failed


I would suggest, you have to log a proper case with HPE, and share the appropriate logs for further analysis.
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