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best practices building a model server

Paul T. Green

best practices building a model server

My organization is interested in building a -comprehensive unix secure server.

The documentation must precede it, it must include OS, patch levels, kernel settings, application specifications, etc.

Are there any documented/listed 'models' out there as framework for this documentation?
Links would be appretiated.
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James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: best practices building a model server

Hi Frank:

Wow! Here's a quick list of some thoughts and some links to get you started:

1. There are lots of excellent "white papers" at . If you drill down, for instance, there is a wealth of information in documents with titles containing words like "designing", "white paper", "choosing", and "managing". Take a look at the "high availability section as an example:

2. If you simply click on the left while here, in the ITRC; check the boxes "manuals", "community forums", "training", "planning" AND "general news"; and supply the boolean search "best and practices"; then you will be rewarded with well over 100 references to check.

3. "Best practices" for the thinks like kernel and database parameters are highly dependent upon your unique environment, but the HP-UX forum is a great point to start your query of "what-works?". Keyword searches of the Forum alone will yield great treasures of information.

A standard reference to kernel tuning (since you asked is this often-cited link:

4. Since you mentioned patch managment practices:

I think you will find this thread provides a good, general, bipolar view:,1150,0x899c0559ff7cd4118fef0090279cd0f9,00.html

For some specific suggestions of "best-practice", see this thread:,1150,0x79f4f841489fd4118fef0090279cd0f9,00.html

My own comments/philosophies appear in both of the above. In the second post, Cheryl Griffin sums it all up quite well: "What you do depends on your patch philosophy and the risk that you are willing to take."

5. If you are developing software, a great site is this one:

Happy reading!
