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Difference Between Incident and Complaint

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Difference Between Incident and Complaint

Dear All,

what is the difference between Incident and complaint

Trusted Contributor

Re: Difference Between Incident and Complaint

incident is a unexpected event and complaint is expressing dissatifaction.
Ashly A K
Honored Contributor

Re: Difference Between Incident and Complaint

Incident can be identified by a tool(automated), but not in all the cases. Where as, a complaint should come from a human.

Complaint can come from lack of knolodge (how to use etc)

Or you can say, compliant is a user reporting an incident

Let me think in deep.

Ashly A K
Rita C Workman
Honored Contributor

Re: Difference Between Incident and Complaint

incident is what gets noticed
complaint is what gets ignored

Kapil Jha
Honored Contributor

Re: Difference Between Incident and Complaint

Incident is smthind (this could harm a system/environment alert kind of thing) which is bring into attention via some automated tool or smtime by some human.

Complaint is something which refer to some change or some improvement.complaint include some some changes in an evvironment to make to work better.

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