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Re: "Recovery CD Creator" software and system lockup problem

Occasional Contributor

"Recovery CD Creator" software and system lockup problem

... Hello Cheryl...

I have a brand-new "HP Pavillion 754v" and I do appreciate its speed and size... (2.5gig hz and 64mb of DDR memory DOES the Job, just FINE!!! :-)

But,,, for the life of me, I cannot get past the first disk, of the 8 cd-roms, during a "Recovery CD Creator" attempt...

(I say atempt, because, I am now the proud owner of six "1 of 8" Recovery "trivits", err???,,, Cds. :-)

Oh... It does everything just fine, but fails, usually in the beginning or after the middle of the Verify step???

And THEN,,, it refuses to "Cancel" this software and even LOCKs UP the system, requiring a power-off shut-down...

(Ouch!!! Where's a MainFrame Computer with a REAL Operating System, when you need one? :-)

... Sorry... Not too much to brag about with the failure rate of this HyPe ware. :-)

I even tried to do ALL of the upgrades from your site with that SP1 patch "SP1RcvryFix.exe" for that SP1 MS patch for the MicroSoft wares for XP... And no luck yet... :-(

... Jim ...
(Any and ALL Help will be deeply appreciated. :-)
Occasional Contributor

Re: "Recovery CD Creator" software and system lockup problem

... Sorry Cheryl... (I put this in the Pivillion group.) But, could not delete it, here... So, I guess delet this, please and answer over there ???


... Jim ...