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Re: HPE 5510 Cisco Computer connect to same port with phone

Occasional Advisor

HPE 5510 Cisco Computer connect to same port with phone


i have a 5510 sw 

i trying to connect computer that get lan from iphone (cisco)

the phone is connect to the sw and the computer is conncting to the phone (i  check it)

the phone get poe and evriting is ok but i cannot see the ip phone or the computer get ips....

i trying to setting up this :

the port that connect phone gets ip from vlan 52 and the computer gets vlan from vlan 123


my global setting is :

voice-vlan aging 52
voice-vlan track lldp

lldp global enable
lldp compliance cdp


the port config is : 

port link-mode bridge
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 52 123
port trunk pvid vlan 52
lldp compliance admin-status cdp txrx
poe enable

have some one have setting to solvethis ? i dont get address to the devices



Re: HPE 5510 Cisco Computer connect to same port with phone


Can you try to make changes into the port config as follows:

port link-type hybrid
undo port hybrid vlan 1
port hybrid vlan 52 tagged
port hybrid vlan 123 untagged
port trunk pvid vlan 123
undo voice-vlan mode auto
voice-vlan 52 enable
stp edged-port
lldp compliance admin-status cdp txrx
poe enable



Note: While I am an HPE Employee, all of my comments (whether noted or not), are my own and are not any official representation of the companyAccept or Kudo
Occasional Advisor

Re: HPE 5510 Cisco Computer connect to same port with phone

sorry desnt work....


its give my error on :

port trunk pvid vlan 123

ports isnt trunk port....



i have other port that work but give the phone ip of 123 scope :

port link-mode bridge
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 52 123
port trunk pvid vlan 123
stp edged-port
lldp compliance admin-status cdp txrx
poe enable




Re: HPE 5510 Cisco Computer connect to same port with phone


I am sharing LAN configuration guide link and please refer Pg.187 for Configuring voice VLANs section. 

I hope this will be helpful:


Note: While I am an HPE Employee, all of my comments (whether noted or not), are my own and are not any official representation of the companyAccept or Kudo