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logprn command failing to execute (java.lang.NullPointerException)

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Michele (Mike) Alberton
Regular Advisor

logprn command failing to execute (java.lang.NullPointerException)

Hi Folks !

We've been in trouble recently with our va7400 and we had to upgrade va FW to HP18 and CommandView to 1.06 (HP-UX 11.00).

Now the logprn command fails with a:

$ /opt/sanmgr/commandview/client/sbin/logprn -a 00SG149G0043|more
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.hp.PanDevice.LogDB.LogDBEntry_Stub.getStringVerbose(Unknown Source)
at com.hp.Array2001Mgr.logclui.logprn.executeOptions(logprn.java:539)
at com.hp.Array2001Mgr.logclui.logprn.main(logprn.java:82)

Maybe it's a patch misalignment, maybe someone of you has faced the same.

Thanks !

Eugeny Brychkov
Honored Contributor

Re: logprn command failing to execute (java.lang.NullPointerException)

first of all check if there's CV1.06 really installed (I had an experience with upgrading CV... old software should be removed first, and it appeared that a LOT of software should be removed with CV itself - like its Java, hostagent etc):
swlist -l product
second, as usual, do the following:
HA_trigger stop
dial_trigger stop
find DeviceDBFile, move it somewhere (or rename)
dial_trigger start
HA_trigger start
armdiscover ... (it will build new DeviceDBFile)
and try arm* commands again.
BTW, if you've JUST upgraded CV to 1.06 then it could simply did not have time to flush ANY logs from VA, thus logprn files are empty. Wait for some time, and try again
Michele (Mike) Alberton
Regular Advisor

Re: logprn command failing to execute (java.lang.NullPointerException)

Hi Eugeny,

I rebooted one of the machines just to start fom scratch, but the issue is still there.

I could not find the DeviceDBFile, and the machine has been upgraded more than 24 hours ago.

Installation of CMDView went apparently fine. I could reinstall it to see if anything strange happens.



Michele (Mike) Alberton
Regular Advisor

Re: logprn command failing to execute (java.lang.NullPointerException)


just to let you know that re-intalling the CommandView went ok. I believe that the reason was related to the previous log files (we were asked to keep them for tracking purposes) that probably have a different format. This time I wiped out the log directories and I receive from logprn the message about the empty log files which is good as you said.

Thanks again Eugeny !
