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Re: Moving FC10 disks to VA7100

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Dave Wherry
Esteemed Contributor

Moving FC10 disks to VA7100

We have a client who wants to do this and I'm not sure if they can.
They have two FC10's, each with five 36GB drives.
They want to move those ten drives to an empty VA7100.
Has any one ever done this? Are there any gotcha's with this?

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Moving FC10 disks to VA7100

This won't be possible, at least the disk chassis won't fit into the VA. The FC10 disk is more wide than the VA disk.
Also I guess the disks are different models with different firmware. So the answer is NO - impossible.

Hope this helps!

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Respected Contributor

Re: Moving FC10 disks to VA7100

string number disk and firmware disk different between FC and VA. if it is possible, HP not recommend to do that.
Luk Vandenbussche
Honored Contributor

Re: Moving FC10 disks to VA7100


This is NOT possible.

These disks are physically not the same.
Dave Wherry
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Moving FC10 disks to VA7100

I've received confirmation from HP on what you have all been saying. No, it will not work.
Thanks very much for your replies.
Dave Wherry
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Moving FC10 disks to VA7100

Closing the thread.