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Rumors on new L & N processors

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Dave Wherry
Esteemed Contributor

Rumors on new L & N processors

Currently the L3000 and the top N4000 systems run PA8600 550MHx processors. A couple of months ago I heard out of HP that some new processors were on the horizon. Something in the 6xxMHz range.
Anyone heard any gossip on this?

Denver Osborn
Honored Contributor

Re: Rumors on new L & N processors

Not until now ;)

It was recently announced that PA-RISC 8700 processors would start shipping with newer systems the first half of 2001. PA-8700 is designed to run at +800MHz, woo-hoo!

Maybe this is what you heard floating around.

I found the info at http://www.cpus.hp.com/technical_references/8700pr.shtml

Vincenzo Restuccia
Honored Contributor

Re: Rumors on new L & N processors

Dave Wherry
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Rumors on new L & N processors

Thanks for these links. 800MHz is better news than I hoped for. Now if these systems would just hit the streets so I can finished some upgrade plans.