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Hardware upgrade from 6010 to 6090 FC port missing

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Hardware upgrade from 6010 to 6090 FC port missing

We try to upgrade controllers of Alletra from 6010 to 6090 , but the PCI Card with FC ports doesnt show , we rollback to instal the 6010 controller and back to service.

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Query: Hardware upgrade from 6010 to 6090 FC port missing

System recommended content:

1. HPE Alletra 6000 - Option Parts


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Re: Hardware upgrade from 6010 to 6090 FC port missing

Hello Apontec, 
After the controller reboot did you performed a failover.?
Also did you ran the below command to check the FC ports status from CLI.?
c --info fc5.1 --ctrlr A | grep -i operational   // (as an example fc5.1 and Controller A)

Output will be like
Admin Status: online
Link Status: reset
Operational Status: initializing

If it is initializing then the port we need to suspect.
As you array is in contract which I believe, please reach out to our support team and they will guide you further to troubleshoot.

I work for HPE.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

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Query: Hardware upgrade from 6010 to 6090 FC port missing



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