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DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Scott Caryer
Frequent Advisor

DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

I have a OV 8.2 appliance that has only has 16 x DL380 Gen10 servers. All these servers were migrated to this appliance using the new "Migrate Server Hardware" option. I have confirmed this process DOES migrate the OV license as well. However, this appliance as an alert about not have enough HPE OneView Advanced w/o iLO licenses. It seems to be 1 such license short. The source appliance does NOT have any such alerts before I after I did this process. Once I determined which server it was,  I removed the server in question and the alert went away. Cool, so I actually added thsi server it to other OV appliances in my environment, and the available licenses in the OV appliance did NOT go down at all. Again, I readded it back to the proper OV appliance, and the license alert has popped up again. 

Any thoughts?

Thanks Scott


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Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

System recommended content:

1. HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Server - Blank SMH Screen


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Scott Caryer
Frequent Advisor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

I am not sure what this link dealing with System Management Homepage and my issue have in common? Please elaborate...Thanks Scott

Valued Contributor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Hi Scott,

I would check which licences are present on your old appliance, and which ones are present on your new appliance.
You can do this by using powershell and the HPE OneView modules.

You will first need to install the HPOneView module before you can use this code I wrote:

# Connect to OneView appliance
$oneview = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter OneView appliance FQDN or IP address'
# Check that the user entered something.
if($oneview.Length -eq 0){write-host "`r`nError: nothing was entered in the input box" -ForegroundColor "Red"; exit;}
write-host "`r`nEnter OneView local administrator credentials in popup box" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$OVcreds = Get-Credential
$junk = Connect-HPOVMgmt -Hostname $oneview -Credential $OVcreds -LoginAcknowledge -AuthLoginDomain 'LOCAL'

# Get all OV licences.
$OVlicences = Get-HPOVLicense
Write-host "There are $($OVlicences.count) licences installed in this OneView." -ForegroundColor Red

# List the licence keys
write-host "Licence keys:" -ForegroundColor Red
foreach($licence in $OVlicences){
    write-host "`r`n# $($licence.capacity)x $($licence.product)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    write-host "$($licence.key)"
    write-host "# Key usage: $($licence.nodes)"

# Disconnect from OneView.


Example of the output, sensitive data redacted:

If you can find the missing licence, I assume you can copy the licence code and import it manually?

Scott Caryer
Frequent Advisor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

@sfrench-quilter I am not sure what you are indicating here by reviewing the license it had on the old OV appliance. The server in question is a DL 380 Gen10 server which uses the "HPE OneView Advanced" license. I do not have ANY license preallocated to the target OV appliance. The target appliance will only be used to migrate servers from the older 6.6 OV appliances. Therefore, the license should be migrated with the server. That is NOT occuring here. So I am not sure what information is useful running this commands. Please elaborate...Scott

Valued Contributor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Hi Scott,

It seems to me that there must be some difference between the licences available and applied to servers in the old vs new OneView - perhaps one licence is not being transfered over?

By using the commands I've listed you can check exactly which licences are installed and used by each server in OneView, this is something that is not available in the GUI. It will also list licences that are not yet allocated to a server.

If you find that one licence is not being transfered automatically, you might be able to install that one licence manually, or you might discover the source of the issue.

Hope this helps you



Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Starting with 6.6 and later, there is an option in the GUI to View license details under the Action menu on the Settings -> Licenses view.  This view will list all keys added to the appliance, the resources assigned to keys and the resources that don't have a license yet.  It will also indicate servers assigned to a license that are no longer managed or monitored by the appliance (i.e. previously added, consumed a license, then later removed from the appliance).

Just a note: One consideration with migration is it is possible to over subscribe a license key if the key was being shared across appliances before the migration. For example, if the original appliance was fully consuming the key and the new appliance also had the key but was also consuming from the key with different servers, there could be a conflict on the migration as the key instance on the new appliance doesn't have enough capacity for all the original servers.  OV should try to use another license on the new appliance, however if one is not available, it will alert for not enough licenses.

I work for HPE
Valued Contributor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Thanks for pointing that out in the GUI, much easier.

Scott Caryer
Frequent Advisor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

So my source OV appliance is running on version 6.60.02-0467825. When I go to Settings\License and select "View License Details", I do NOT see the License Key as you suggested. I DO see the License keys in use in my Target 8.0 OV appliance. Do I need to be on a new 6.6 rev? 

Valued Contributor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Not sure if the release notes for the 6.6 versions will tell you - but if you have the opportunity to upgrade then you may as well just do that.

Otherwise, the code I posted should also work.

Scott Caryer
Frequent Advisor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

I actually downloaded the latest 6.6.05 version. I can't upgrade to 7.x becuase I have C-Class enclosures. The release notes for 6.60.05 did NOT talk reference anything about licensing and such. What do I need to download for the code you referenced? I really appreciate you taking your time for users like myself in these forums.... Thanks Scott (Hillsborough County IT, Tampa, FL)

Valued Contributor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

Hi Scott,

HPE have made some PowerShell modules 'POSH-HPEOneView' and published them on GitHub https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPEOneView 

Hopefully you can install the latest modules like this:

# Install library from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module HPEOneView.800

Sometimes you have to do extra bits to get the PowerShell Gallery to work depending on the version & state of your desktop or server, I can't swear all of this is required or correct, but it's what I've used before.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Register-PSRepository -Default -Verbose
Install-PackageProvider Nuget –Force
Install-Module –Name PowerShellGet –Force

Also, if you have a proxy server you may need to set that too.



Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

The original post talked about an 8.2 appliance with licensing issues and a little confused as the latest thread talked about migrating from 6.6*.  It is not possible/supported to migrate from 6.6* to 8.2.  8.0 was the last release that supported a migration from 6.6*.  Can you clarify the migration flow here?  Perhaps, did you migrate from 6.6* to 8.0 and then upgrade to 8.2?

I work for HPE
Scott Caryer
Frequent Advisor

Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

@TKop  @sfrench-quilter  Yes, so the issue is with a specific DL380 Gen 10 that I migrated from a  6.60.02-0467825 to a 8.0.x OV appliance. This 8.0.x appliance is basically a vanilla install with zero licenses added to it. I am basically using this appliance to migrate all DL380 servers out of the older 6.60.x OV appliance. I migrated 10 such servers at a time. The 10 migrate over fine. However, the licensing issue popped up indicating I needed 1 additional license to be complaint. So I determine which DL380 was UNLICENSED and then manually removed it from the 8.0 OV appliance. The licensing issue went away. I added that suspect DL380 back into the 6.6 OV appliance, and migrate it once again to the 8.0 OV appliance. Same issue. 

When I add the suspect DL380 back to the 6.6 OV appliance, the license tallies do not change. So I am just trying to figure out what the issue is with this lone DL380 and its inherent licensing issue... Does that make sense? I can't recall any reference to a 8.2 OV appliance. However, I did learn that 8.2 will not migrate servers from 6.6 appliance (which stinks)

Thanks and let me know your thoughts?  


Re: Query: DL380 Gen10 server with a OV licensing issue

If you are not seeing any licensing details when viewing Settings - Licenses - Actions - View license details, something isn't quite right.  There should be a table on that screen to provide licensing details, specifially list each server that is licensed or not.  You can try a new rev but all the 6.6.* versions should have that view.  You can try the GET /rest/licenses REST API to view that same data or the PowerShell modules as referred to by @sfrench-quilter.  The data on the source would be helpful to see what license in particular the source is using for that one server.  You can also review the migration task on the target appliance to see if the task progress text has any info on licensing it tried to perform during the operation.  Otherwise, would suggest to open a support case as we are getting into the details that need a further look and not easy to perform via this forum.

I work for HPE