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Booting from SAN (iSCSI) and storage w/one SAN - connection issues (UPDATE - PSODs)

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Booting from SAN (iSCSI) and storage w/one SAN - connection issues (UPDATE - PSODs)

Update 2024/02/15:  The path below I was trying to create led to being incompatible and creating VMware PSODs.  VMware Skyline showed the issue as:  https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/91503  Running the Boot volume off of the iSCSI Software Adapter and then the storage volumes off of the iSCSI Hardware Adapter breaks VMware and causes PSODs.  It is not feasible.  I was attempting to get a configuration that created defined paths for separate boot and storage traffic based off of the ports on Synergy 4820C 10/20/25Gb Converged Network Appliance (CNA).  I have dropped to using only the software adapater in configuration and it's working at this time.  There are still some questions I have, but they are more VMware related at this time.


Not certain that the issue is on the Synergy/OneView or VMware or SAN, but I'm hoping someone is using iSCSI boot and Storage for their Synergy on a single SAN and getting a multipathing best practices setup to work for them and can provide me some guidance.  

Synergy 480 Gen 10 Plus Compute Modules, Alletra 6050 SAN, Cisco 25Gb switches.  iSCSI setup for storage.  

Using the Recommended VMware LCM Desired Image: ESXi 7.0 U3, build 21930508; HPE Synergy Server Customization 703.; HPE Synergy Service Pack SY-2023.10.01 

I have gotten the boot from SAN to work using HPE OneView with a profile that provides a single port of the Synergy 4820C 10/20/25Gb Converged Network Appliance (CNA), Mezzanine 3:1-a, using a dedicated Boot vlan.  In the Server Profile, I'm attempting to add storage, volumes using a separate Storage vlan, and the iSCSI Type for the Connection, which is limited to Mezzanine 3:1-c and Mezzanine 3:2-c on the CNA in the profile.  When I go to add storage it's not going through the Storage vlan.

When VMware initially boots after the install it creates an iSCSI connection via the Boot vlan and then I go in to the ESXi and add the necessary vmkernels and setup the Storage vlan connection.  I then go to the Storage Profile Template and add storage volumes to it set to use the Storage vlan and Mezzanine 3:1-c and 3:2-c connection.  However, no new storage paths are created in VMware, but the Storage Volumes are added using the Boot vlan's connection, the single port Mezzanine 3:1-a.  This is nowhere near ideal and not production ready.

Thank you for reading and your time.

System Recommended

Query: Booting from SAN (iSCSI) and storage w/one SAN - connection issues

System recommended content:

1. HPE Alletra 9000 VMware ESX/ESXi Implementation Guide


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Re: Booting from SAN (iSCSI) and storage w/one SAN - connection issues

Please refer to below guide for configuration and compatibility:-
HPE Synergy Configuration and Compatibility Guide
Since this is a new setup and need to understand the configuration hence we request you to log a support and need consultation for this which will need remote/onsite support.

You can log a support ticket using the Create and Manage Case:-

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