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How correctly migrate IMC 7.2 from one host to another?

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Re: How correctly migrate IMC 7.2 from one host to another?

The link is broken.

Valued Contributor

Re: How correctly migrate IMC 7.2 from one host to another?

Hi SDonato,

The link is working now, but the page took almost a minute to load. I will log a ticket to have IT look into it. If you need me to send you the PDF, let me know.

Kind regards,
HPE Employee

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Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: How correctly migrate IMC 7.2 from one host to another?

> The link is working now, 


The link is working for me but there may be the recent issue with firefox just showing the "feedback" info and not both.

New Member

Re: How correctly migrate IMC 7.2 from one host to another?