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Re: IE 7 close sudenly if logged on HP Creditial Manager

New Member

IE 7 close sudenly if logged on HP Creditial Manager

If I'm logged on HP Credential Manager my IE 7 close when I use web page's pull-down menu and menu has only one choice. If I logged off from Credenial Manager all works fine.

Re: IE 7 close sudenly if logged on HP Creditial Manager

Hello Natsky,

I have the same problem. It is very poor that hp doesn't create a fix for this problem!
You opened it Apr 18, 2008 and @ Dez 19,2008 hp still have no solution for this huge bug. The Firefox and Opera Webbrowser works fine with credential Manager! What is that for a support by hp? It is for me incomprehensible!
Only in the Internet Explorer is the Bug present! Hp released a Update in October. The Version 4.00H the bug still exists!
I'am very intent when thy will have a solution.
Sarathi Chatterjee
New Member

Re: IE 7 close sudenly if logged on HP Creditial Manager

I am having the same problem, it is fine with all other browsers but only I.E. and Credential Manager seems to not like each other.
Each time i click on a dropdownlist with no item in it, the browser crashes.
Hope HP does something soon !