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MSM466 not factory resetting or able to open in web browser - SSLv3 issue

Occasional Visitor

MSM466 not factory resetting or able to open in web browser - SSLv3 issue

We have a ton of 466s and sometimes we need to factory reset them to reconfigure fresh.  Every now and then, we can't factory reset them. I hold the reset button down and it goes through the process and ends up with a that I can ping.  However, I can't reach them via any web browser, the errors are as follows:


IE 11 - This page can't be displayed

Firefox 35.0.1 - Unable to connect securely - Firefox cnanot guarantee the safety of your data on because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol. Advanced info: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap

Chrome 42- I can get to the main page of the 466, but when I click Continue, it goes to - This webpage is not availble ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH


I've tried SSHing with Putty and can get in and do a factory reset from the prompt, but it doesn't work.


Typically, IE will work when the other 2 don't, but not this time. Windows 7.


Any help would be appreciated.

Senior Member

Re: MSM466 not factory resetting or able to open in web browser - SSLv3 issue



I had the SSL web browser issue before.


In firefox i fixed  it by making some changes:


Type in as URL:     about:config


search for





Change these settings from one to zero



Frequent Collector

Re: MSM466 not factory resetting or able to open in web browser - SSLv3 issue

I have the same issue on an MSM422 but the value change in FF to 0 does not work any longer :(
the error is always: ssl_error_unsupported_version 

Is there a way to do a recovery update of some kind? My MSM422 is now not use-able any longer to manage it properly.

Frequent Advisor

Re: MSM466 not factory resetting or able to open in web browser - SSLv3 issue


I created windows xp VM - do not update and connected the AP then upgrade to newer firmware.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,

