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B?Como agregar un segundo disco duro IDE al E60?

Jes├║s Mu├▒oz
Occasional Contributor

B?Como agregar un segundo disco duro IDE al E60?

- netserver E-60
- 1 scsi HDD
- 1 ide CD-ROM
- 1 ide HDD
- S.O. Linux Red Hat 6.2

I would like to add a second ide-hard disk like slave on a netserver e-60 which is equiped with one scsi hard-disk, an IDE CD-ROM and an IDE HD.

How can I do this?

Honored Contributor

Re: B?Como agregar un segundo disco duro IDE al E60?

I dont remember if the E60 has two IDE channels on board. It would be easier IMHO anyway to use the SCSI channel to add disks.
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Terri Harris
Honored Contributor

Re: B?Como agregar un segundo disco duro IDE al E60?

There are two IDE ports on the system board of the Netserver E60. However since HP did not test any IDE hard drives in this server, I cannot make any suggestions on how you might get an IDE drive to work (one or more).